Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brody's Journal... Equality Forum Global Summit Panels Continue To Meet

GLBT Rights and Challenges in Africa
Thursday, April 29, 7 to 8:15 p.m.
Arts Bank, 601 South Broad Street

Mark Bromley (Moderator)  
Equality Forum's international focus, moderated by Mark Bromley, Cofounder and Board Chair, Council for Global Equality, explores GLBT rights and movement development in Africa.
Cary Alan Johnson, Executive Director, IGLHRC
Pouline Kimani, Cofounder, Minority Women in Action, Kenya
Rona Peligal, Deputy Director, Africa Division, Human Rights Watch [More]

National Sports Panel
Thursday, April 29, 8:30 to 9:45 p.m.
Arts Bank, 601 South Broad Street

A discussion of the toxic effect of homophobia in college and professional sports, moderated by Gail Shister, one of the first out female sportswriters.

Anna Aagenes, Penn Athletes and Allies Tackling Homophobia
Dr. Pat Griffin, Sports Educator, Gold Medalist, Gay Games V
Brian Sims, first openly gay NCAA football captain
Dan Woog, Syndicated Columnist, "The Outfield" [More]
Equality Forum 2010