Saturday, May 19, 2012

Brody's Notes... Mississippi Lawmaker Cites Bible Passage That Calls For Gays To Be Put To Death On Facebook

Screenshot Of Gipson's Facebook page.
By Brody Levesque | JACKSON, MS -- A Mississippi state lawmaker last week after the announcement by President Barack Obama's announcement affirming support for same-sex marriage, invoked an old testament bible passage calling for gay men to be "put to death on his Facebook page.
State Representative Andy Gipson (R-D77) in a May 10 Facebook post called homosexuality a "sin," citing Leviticus 20:13;
Been a lot of press on Obama’s opinion on “homosexual marriage.” The only opinion that counts is God’s: see Romans 1:26-28 and Leviticus 20:13. Anyway you slice it, it is sin. Not to mention horrific social policy. 
[Leviticus 20:13 reads: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."]
In a later post responding to a follower, Gipson wrote a clarification calling same-sex relationships "unnatural" and suggesting that they will inherently "result in disease":
Sorry I’ve been busy and not had a chance to reply. David, in addition to the basic principal that it is morally wrong, here are three social reasons it’s horrific social policy: 1) Unnatural behavior which results in disease, not the least of which is its high association with the development and spread of HIV/AIDS; 2) Confusing behavior which is harmful to children who have a deep need to understand the proper role of men and women in society and the important differences between men and women, and fathers and mothers; and 3) Undermines the longstanding definition of marriage as between one man and one woman, a definition which has been key to all aspects of social order and prosperity. Anytime that definition is weakened our culture is also weakened. And yes, that is also true for other conduct which weakens marriage’s importance in society.
Once news of Gipson's remarks became publicly known, Knol Aust, Chairman of Unity Mississippi responded writing on the organsation's website:
"Mr. Gipson is wrong when he states the only opinion that counts is his god’s. As a representative of Mississippi, the only opinions he should be concerned with are those of his constituents. While his particular god may play an important role in his life, it is not his job to impose his beliefs and faith upon the people he represents."
Aust then countered Gipson's arguments writing:
Unnatural behavior which results in disease
Disease is a ridiculous argument. Being gay does not equal disease just like being straight does not equal disease-free. A heterosexual person with HIV or terminal cancer can still get a marriage license, but a loving gay couple of 20+ years cannot. To argue that disease is a legitimate reason to deny marriage to loving same-sex couples is absurd. Humans spread disease not sexual orientation.The unnatural talking point is a tired and desperate argument since it has no science to back it. It’s clear Representative Gipson hasn’t kept up with biology since his high school days. To be fair, he studied law; it’s very possible biology wasn’t his strongest suit. To suggest being gay or lesbian is unnatural goes against basic science. Homosexuality exists in over 500 species; homophobia exists in one… Which seems more unnatural?
Harmful to children
Research shows children who grow up in households with gay parents have normal self-esteem. Also, churches, governments, and individuals telling children and adults they are unnatural is what’s harmful to children. Love is a simple concept for children to grasp; bigotry and hate are what confuse and harm children (and adults).
Culture is weakened:
A culture divided by bigotry is a weakened culture. When the LGBT community has full equality under the law, our society and culture will be stronger. Our youth will recognize that all Americans are equal and respected by our government. It’s really quite simple.
Mr. Gipson needs to realize he represents all of his constituents. He should not cherry-pick which constituents he wants to work for. He should also realize his positions are neither popular nor Republican. LGBT individuals, couples, and families help pay Gipson’s salary. It’s important that he remember that.
While polling shows that nation's approval of same-sex marriage has trended slightly above 50 percent in a recent poll, a November 2011 poll found that only 13 percent of Mississippi voters thought it should be legal, while 78 percent said it should remain illegal. Even among Democrats, only 19 percent expressed support.


Trab said...

"[Leviticus 20:13 reads: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."]"

I've never actually read that passage before, and it is eye opening to me. IF there was actually supposed to be a prohibition, it would logically have stated "If a man has sexual relations with a man, both of them..." HOWEVER, the addition of "as one does with a woman" means that the prohibition is in regards to the female addition. How, exactly, did women fare in a relationship with men? They were treated as subservient near slaves, auctioned to the highest dowry payers.
So, effectively, this Leviticus passage actually means that no man should, in a sexual relationship, treat another man as less than 100% equal. I know, because the Bible tells me so. Leviticus 20:13

Desmond Rutherford said...

One can't argue with your logic Trab, you're absolutely right.
However it could be a mistranslation, consider the following:

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.(Leviticus 20:13 KJV)”

This has obviously been mistranslated and thus, misconstrued.
Here let me help by substituting the most likely words.

If a man also fibs with a dude, as he fibeth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Evidently, it is okay to fib with a woman as far as Leviticus is concerned, and its observance can be seen amongst men everywhere, even in our time. It probably also means that all politicians, priests, publicity officers, and executives should be put to death for lying to each other; (where they are all men. Remember it’s okay if they only fibeth to women.)

James Savik said...

As a long time resident of Mississippi, I can assure you that we have many, many religious douche bags that do a great job of driving people away from their faiths by acting like fuk-tards. If he were the first, worst or only one, it might be news. In Mississippi, such grandstanding and sophistry is met with a resounding yawn by most and growing embarrassment by a great many.