Monday, April 9, 2012

In Brief

Staff Reports
American Evangelical Rick Warren Tells ABCNews That Support Of Same Sex Marriage “Weakens” A Church
WASHINGTON -- In an interview on ABC’s This Week, Pastor Rick Warren, founder of the Saddleback mega-church in Lake Forest, California, was asked by ABCNews White House correspondent Jake Tapper about Warren's continuing opposition to same sex marriage at a time when, according to an ABC News-Washington Post poll, 52 percent of Americans support same sex marriage.
“Do you think there will come a time when Saddleback Church needs to adjust its position on same sex marriage in the same way that churches have throughout the years adjusted their positions.  
For instance, on divorce; Divorce used to be, you know, if you got divorced, you were persona non grata.” Tapper asked.
Warren responded with:
“I think divorce is a much bigger problem. I do. I think it has caused far more families grief than other problems. But you know what, it’s funny, every interview I do I get asked this question as if a Christian pastor is going to change his mind. I serve a higher power, Jesus Christ. 
I make no apologies in saying that. And so I believe what Jesus says about the Bible – and he says the Bible is the word of God. Well, if the Bible is the word of God, then I don’t have the right to change it. Policies come and go over the years.  
And so if I’m unpopular for certain beliefs, well, then I’m unpopular for certain beliefs. And to me, the Bible is very clear that sex is for a man and a woman in marriage only.” 
Tapper then rephrased his initial question (which Warren failed to answer) in a slightly different way. 
“I’m wondering,” says Tapper, “if you think the church, in order to continue to thrive, might have to adjust its policy on same sex marriage?”
Warren replied, “Actually, history shows that when the church accommodates culture, it weakens it. This is why there is a very weak church in Europe today. It’s almost non-existent in many areas.”


Desmond Rutherford said...

Well Mr. Warren, the church may be weak in some areas of Europe, but those areas tend to be the ones that excel in avoiding ruthless theocratic inquisitions of the people.

Trab said...

Pardon my ignorance, but isn't the Bible, 'as we know it', a literary product of much more recent times than when Jesus was reputed to have lived?

Mr. Warren asserts "I believe what Jesus says about the Bible – and he says the Bible is the word of God. "

How could Jesus possibly have said that about a Bible that didn't yet exist? This has got to be the height of stupidity.