Friday, April 27, 2012

Brody's Notes... Georgetown University Law Student Sandra Fluke Disturbed By "Blatant Homophobia"

By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON -- During an appearance on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" Thursday evening, Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke responded to Fox News conservative commentator Monica Crowley's tweet earlier in the day, responding to the news of Fluke getting engaged to her longtime boyfriend by tweeting, "To a man?"
Speaking to host Ed Schultz, Fluke said “I’m not going to let this kind of thing get to me personally. What really bothers me about it [is] the blatant homophobia in the comment, and the idea that that is an acceptable thing to say publicly.”
Fluke told Schultz that she was most disturbed that Crowley intended the tweet as an insulting joke.
“I don’t want an apology from anyone personally,” Fluke said. “I think it is possible she owes an apology to the LGBTQ community, because I am not offended to be asked whether or not I’m with a woman. It’s not offensive to me to be gay, but it was clearly meant as an insult.”
Fluke first gained national attention when she was denied the opportunity to appear before a U. S. House Committee and testify on women's health care issues. Later, after a public appearance sponsored by House Democratic members, conservative radio pundit Rush Limbaugh blasted her remarks labeling her a "slut" after she publicly advocated for birth control coverage. Limbaugh later apologised for his comments following massive backlash including loss of numerous advertisers but this week he again attacked Fluke for "coordinating" with Obama to "scare students about the interest rates on their loans."
In a separate interview with MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell Fluke dismissed Limbaugh's latest insults, telling O'Donnell that he [Limbaugh] "has become confused by his own propaganda."
Watch Fluke's full interview on MSNBC: