Friday, January 6, 2012

Editorial... Bryan Fischer? You sir, are an absolutely fascist idiot.

By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON -- There comes a point for any journalist who respects the ethics and good practises of this profession, that it becomes pointless to cover any individual in the public realm when that person's public uttering(s) and proclamations reach a critical mass of simple maliciousness and stupidity. I have now reached that point with Bryan Fischer, the American Family Associations's version of the Nazi Party Chief Propaganda Minister, Dr. Josef Goebbels.
For years, Fischer has been railing against women's rights over their bodies, LGBTQ people, and as of late any one person who professes belief in the Islamic religious tradition. Jody May-Chang, a freelance journalist who lives in Fischer's old stomping grounds in Idaho, has detailed quite precisely some of Fischer's more egregious statements and biased messages, summarizing the worst of Fischer's vitriol in the Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence report released last Fall.
As you can see from the Twitter Image (above left) published earlier today by New York LGBTQ blogger and equality rights activist Joe Jervis, once again Fischer has brazenly displayed his disdain for his fellow American citizens. The bigotry and bias is simply incomprehensible to this correspondent.
Particularly frustrating is that not a single mainstream media outlet, or better still, notable Christian figure outside of the anti-gay extremists- who continue to voice their so-called adherence to 'christian values & family values-' has stepped up and delivered any kind of call for Fischer to cease and desist and called him out for his bigotry and hate speech.
Fischer hides behind his cherry picked bizarre interpretations of his "God's" holy book, with none of his actions bearing any resemblance to the teachings of that poor Jewish carpenter. His hate for Gays, his obvious disdain for women as his equal, his attacks on other religions particularly Islam, all point to a form of pure selfishness and despotic theocratic dogma that quite frankly, I'd label as a serious mental health issue.
I'm not going to give Fischer any more ink, it's just pointless and realistically it's no more than fanning the flames of hate. He's past pathetic as he obviously has no sense of humanity nor respect for others and human dignity. He is a fascist idiot.
He deserves contempt, not pity, as his radio show and ongoing indoctrination efforts of those persons in his audience whom are unable to see past his rhetoric and lying has led to disharmony and demonising of gays, women, and those who believe other than his twisted version of christianity. In short? He's a vicious evil bastard who wraps himself in an American Flag and carries the so-called Cross of christianity.


Desmond Rutherford said...

Brian would be rejected by The Carpenter as a Fischer of men.

Trab said...

There's always the other option, removed all men from the military.

Trab said...

"He's a vicious evil bastard who wraps himself in an American Flag and"...defiles it unforgivably.