Thursday, December 22, 2011

In Brief

Staff Reports
Michigan Governor Snyder signs bill to ban partner health care coverage
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder (R)
LANSING, MICHIGAN -- Michigan Governor Rick Snyder today signed House Bill 4770 following months of heated debate and advocacy. The bill attracted sharp criticism from the media, university leaders, business leaders, and progressive organizations throughout the state.
The bill will eliminate health care coverage for domestic partners of public employees. HB 4770 prohibits any government entity in the state from providing such coverage. HB 4771, which the Governor vetoed, prohibits unions from including coverage in collective bargaining agreements. Both bills passed the legislature on December 13. Lawsuits on behalf of affected families will likely be filed soon.
Anti-gay Republicans Representative Dave Agema (sponsor or the bills) and Attorney General Bill Schuette have been trying to strip away health care coverage for gay and lesbian families since February.
“Governor Snyder’s support for this bill is appalling. Today, the Governor told unmarried public employees that they can no longer care for their partners or children. He has put hardworking gay and lesbian couples and their children into harm’s way by eliminating important health care coverage. He has spent the last two years talking about creating a welcoming state with a attractive business climate, and this bill flies in the face of those goals.”
“All families in our state, including gay and lesbian families, should have fair access to health care coverage. Governor Snyder caved to the radical social agenda coming from the legislature. He has rejected our shared commitment to economic growth. In order to compete in today’s global business environment, we must build a culture that prioritizes fundamental fairness. This law will only serve to hurt Michigan." ~ Emily Dievendorf Director of Policy, Equality Michigan
Many public entities provide coverage for domestic partners of employees, including:
• University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Wayne State University and 11 of the 12 other public universities
• State of Michigan (33,000 eligible employees under contracts that went into effect in 2011)
• At least eight cities, counties and school districts, including Ann Arbor and Kalamazoo


Trab said...

Am I the only one seeing a large 'erect' green phallic symbol on the "Reinvent Michigan" sign? Pointed at the Governor, no less.