Saturday, October 8, 2011

Headlines From LGBTQNation

Fischer warns of ‘homosexual agenda,’ gays a threat to public health

Fischer warns of ‘homosexual agenda,’ gays a threat to public health

October 8 — Speaking at the the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, the vehemently anti-gay Bryan Fischer, spokesman for the American Family Association, warned of the "threat" of "the homosexual agenda," said the nation must choose "between homosexuality and liberty, because we cannot have both," and said gays are a threat to public health. Read more »

Santorum: Economy dependent on traditional marriage; lies about same-sex weddings

October 8 — GOP presidential long-shot Rick Santorum on Friday told attendees at the Values Voter Summit that a vibrant economy is dependent on traditional marriage, and that President Obama has ordered military chaplains to "break the law" by requiring them to perform same-sex weddings. Read more »
San Diego could be nation’s largest city to elect gay Republican mayor

San Diego could be nation’s largest city to elect gay Republican mayor

October 8 — San Diego could become the nation's largest to elect an openly gay Republican mayor, as two of the leading GOP contenders in the race for are openly gay, and voters have barely noticed. Read more »

Poll: Voters say ‘it’s the economy’ stupid, not gay marriage, family values

October 7 — Several GOP presidential hopefuls are making appearances this weekend at the Values Voter Summit in Washington — an event that traditionally focuses on faith and social issues — but a new Washington Post/ABC News poll reflects that “family values” and gay marriage are not as important to voters as it is to the candidates. Read more »