By Brody Levesque | SEATTLE, WASHINGTON -- MSNBC's Tech & Science Editor Athima Chansanchai writes that there's a new App available in the Android Marketplace that's liable to get some folks annoyed and amuse others.
On the webpage for this App- 'Is My Son Gay?' - the description reads;
"You're questioning yourself?20 questions to know more about your son.After this test you'll have the proven answer to a question you might have since maybe a long time."
Chansanchai writes in her MSNBC Gadget box review:
The only sample questions we saw on that page were these:Does he like to dress well: is he very careful when choosing his outfits and selecting brands?Does he like football?Now, I don't know about you, but a Yes followed by another Yes describes a lot of men I know, including my brother. My recently married brother.Curious, she paid the $2.69 fee and was presented with this list of questions:Other questions — typos and all — included:Before he was born, did you wish for a girl?Has he ever been in a fight?Does he read the sports page in the newspaper?Is his best friend a girl?Does he like team sports?Is he modest?Is he a fan of divas (Madonna, Britney Spears)?Does he spend a long time in the bathroom?Does he piercings in his tongue, nose or ears?Do you wonder about your son's sexual orientation?Are you divorced?Does he like musical comedies?Has he ever introduced you to a girlfriend?Is his father a very authoritarian person?Within your family, is the father absent at all?During his childhood, was he timid or discreet?Does he have a complicated relationship with his father?Does he take a long time to do his hair?
Chansanchai attempted to contact the developer but received no reply. You can read her full article here: [MSNBC GADGET BOX]
uh oh...I'm gay
Assuming the answer to those questions requires a 'yes' to be considered a sign toward possibly being gay, EVERY teenaged boy in American will probably be gay if based on this App.
Silly thing, more like what I'd have expected for free.
What the MSNBC article failed to reveal (and had been covered several days ago at is that the App is a translation, likely using Bablefish or similar (which might account for the typos mentioned in the MSNBC article) of a Long available French language App by the same name (in French) which has been the subject of many a giggle across Europe.
Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
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