Thursday, May 19, 2011

Commentary- Invoking The Reich In Christ's Name

By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON -- The recent barrage of bigoted anti-gay rhetoric broadcast in the media by unrelenting so-called Christians constantly looking for yet another way to give offence- have now come up with a quite onerous slight; "let's call gay persons 'Nazis!" I could cite an endless list of slams verbalised in television appearances, speeches and written pronouncements by anti-gay luminaries such as Tony Perkins of the misnamed Family Research Council, or Brian Brown and Maggie Gallagher from the 'National Organisation For Marriage' whose sole intended purpose(s) is to ostentatiously secure the protection of traditional marriage and family values that they hold so dear and which they claim are threatened by same-sex marriage.
In light however, of published statistics by various governmental agencies, think tanks, universities, and even professional groups which shows a divorce rate of nearly an even 50%, it tends to mitigate same-sex marriage as being that much of a threat to heteronormal marriage.
I should also point out the almost complete hypocrisy of these so-called Christians who scream about family values and push for restrictive oppressive laws and reforms meant to 'preserve' their ideal model of marriage- who are more often than not, often caught up in highly questionable behaviours that are contrary to what they preach. For example, just as recently as two days ago, former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had not publicly opposed California's Prop 8 measure as it was debated before its 2008 passage, has now found himself admitting to an affair with his maid/housekeeper that produced an illegitimate son who is now 14 years old.
Not to mention other highly publicised accounts of Gay equality rights opponents caught in same-sex affairs of one type or another, Reverend Ted Haggard comes to mind. Sadly, its an ever growing list mostly populated by the aforementioned super christians, and GOP neoconservative politicians, some of whom have laughable credibility most notably thrice married or is it 4 times married former U. S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich. It is not not necessary to be inconsistent with current conservative sexual morals, but it does seem like it is expected, if not accepted behaviour, to privately deviate from the purity of their public image in the most hypocritical manner they can devise.
Gingrich, now running as a GOP candidate for president has appeared on numerous conservative family values media outlets savaging LGBT persons, including the following hate-monger's programme.
Without a doubt, if ever there existed a need to point out, highlight, or make certain that one garring example of the aforementioned deplorable bigotry is exposed for all to see, it has to be Bryan Fischer from the American Family Association.
Mr. Fischer said this week on his nationally broadcast radio programme to his two million plus listening audience:
The homosexual agenda is just like Islam: there is no room for dissent, there is no room to leave, once you're in, you can't leave. Muslims won't let you leave, homosexuals won't let you leave - if you leave, they claim you're faking it, so there's no way out. There's no freedom of choice, there's no freedom of religion - if you have religious views about homosexual behavior, you are squashed.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, they are Nazis. Homosexual activists, when it comes to freedom of speech, are Nazis. When it comes to freedom of religion, they are Nazis. There is no room in their world dissent, there is no room in their world for disagreement, there is no room in their world for criticism. You criticize homosexual behavior, they tag you as a bigot and a homophobe and then they got to work to silence you just like the Roman Catholic Church did in the days of Galileo - it's no different; it's the Spanish Inquisition all over again.
Ladies and gentlemen, they are Nazis. Do not be under any illusions about what homosexual activists will do with your freedoms and your religion if they have the opportunity. They'll do the same thing to you that the Nazis did to their opponents in Nazi Germany.
The Inquisition? Seriously? Oh, and I have yet to see any Gay person in an SS uniform replete with Death's Head insignia herding Christians to their demise. However- I can cite example after example of LGBTQ persons who have been beaten, stabbed, shot, and killed over the many years, egged on by persons just like Mr. Fischer who claim the the LGBTQ persons are the evil in the society.
This week, I had the pleasure of meeting a 16 year old Gay kid from Surprise, Arizona, who is here in Washington to lobby Congress to pass legislation to stop bullying of his peer group and younger across the United States due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. What saddened me was the fact that Caleb was forced to drop out of school, in part, due to exactly the type of nonsense fomented by the christian propagandistic bigots like Bryan Fischer.
Reread what Fischer said for a moment and then remember Harvey Milk who was murdered in part because he was Gay.
There is no longer a moral imperative for persons like Fischer and his kind in this society to be allowed to continue to bully kids like Caleb or murder people like Harvey, because they are obsessed with sex and a twisted view of sexuality foisted on them by a dogma that quite frankly defines being a Nazi much better than the LGBTQ persons struggling to just be left live in peace choosing to love a partner of their mutual choice without religious bigotry and ignorance.
RELATED LGBTQNation: Arizona teen lobbies Congress for support of Student Non-Discrimination Act