Sunday, March 27, 2011

Des Downunder on Sundays

By Des Rutherford    Adelaide, Australia- This report is just too small to ignore. I have to say that in the all my years of research I find that the sizes stated in this report are grossly under the average I have encountered.
However I must quickly add that even allowing for straight porn, my encounters with size has been based on sampling, (a reasonably large sample, I declare with all modesty,) of gay men.
Maybe they left gay men out of their research.
If this report was confined to straight men then it may well explain the hostility of the anti-gay brigades in various countries; they are simply jealous of the natural gay endowment.
Who would have suspected that the religious wingnuts were motivated by penis envy? It does however make sense when you think of their small minds being matched by small appendages, and their even smaller abilities to accept diversity with love and compassion.
See also this link referred to in the article above.
Now if you think I am being mean in singling out religious hostility to gays, then consider that the link to the figures on world size according to country, had a (Google) ad link to a Christian dating service when I visited it. Perhaps that is coincidence, but what is not coincidence is that the report doesn't explain why they chose to not reveal the sexuality of those who were measured. (Why they didn't ask me to do the measuring, I will never know. I would have done it for nothing.) It seems patently obvious to me that gay men were deliberately left out of the statistics, otherwise the average figures would have been much, much larger. Maybe the researchers are just 'big pricks,' who have nothing better to do than try to justify their own minimalist views.
Personally, I think men should rise up all over the world, and demand a recount.