Friday, February 25, 2011

Brody's Notes... Fox Pundit Mike Huckabee Tells CNN Gay Parenthood Is A Social Experiment

By Mark Singer (Washington DC) FEB 25 | In a sit down interview with CNN's John King yesterday, former Arkansas governor & current Fox News pundit, Mike Huckabee, said that in his just released new book, he felt Gay parenthood was a social experiment and that the repeal of Don't Ask-Don't Tell by President Obama was a failed decision. He went on to criticize the president for telling U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder to quit defending DOMA as an illegal act.
"I believe that we're in denial about potential problems as we see more and more homosexual couples raising families. Essentially, these are experiments to see how well children will fare in such same-sex households. It will be years before we know whether or not our little guinea pigs turn out to be good at marriage and parenthood," from Huckabee's just released book.


Trab said...

What boggles my mind is that single parenthood is apparently "okay", but same sex couple parenthood is apparently 'bad'.

One can only presume that the experiment of single parenthood has by now withstood the test of time for Mike Huckabee, and met with his approval. Frankly, I'd vote the other way, if there was a vote, and opt for a happy couple, same sex or otherwise, before a stressed out single parent family.