Friday, January 14, 2011

Brody's Scribbles... At What Point Does This Issue Become Ludicrous?

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) JAN 14 | In the wake of this past week's national tragedy in Tucson, which inspired calls for a rejuvenation of civility in public discourse, opening new avenues of communication to bridge the polarised differences in American society, yet again, despite those calls, so-called Christianist individuals, have attacked the LGBTQ community again on a subject that truly needs to be put to rest. In particular two GOP politicos have called for the repeal of the repeal of Don't Ask-Don't Tell, and barring success putting the brakes on it by throwing up more bureaucratic steps that are not only not necessary but are purely obstructionist.
Let's examine this subject for a moment shall we? A few days ago, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and GOP presidential hopeful, in a radio interview, told American Family Association's Bryan Fischer that if elected president, he will work to reinstate DADT.
Immediately of course, Elaine Donnelly of the Center For Military Readiness, reacted:
 "I think he's showing that he is more willing to listen to the voices of combat personnel and leaders than the current administration -- and certainly more so than are the members of Congress, who recklessly rushed to repeal a law that enjoyed such widespread support among the military."
Let me point out that I am still mystified as to how Ms. Donnelly can be considered an "expert" on the armed forces of the United States as she has never served a day in uniform, and I am quite amused that her so-called organisation has a Washington D. C. phone number but its offices are physically located in suburban Detroit, Michigan. Kind of strains her credibility in my humble opinion.
She wasn't the only one jumping on the bad wagon as numerous other anti-gay groups have praised Pawlenty's promise to reinstate DADT.
Then, today comes word that Representative Duncan Hunter, (R-Calif.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee plans to introduce legislation next week designed to put the brakes on the repeal of DADT. Hunter's measure would require that the four military service chiefs are added to the list of those who must sign off on repealing the policy before it can be officially scrapped. Currently the repeal law that was passed during the lame duck session of the last Congress provides only for the signatures of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of Defence, and finally the President.
An aide said that the congressman's measure would require the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps chiefs to submit to the congressional defence committees-
“written certification that repeal … will not degrade the readiness, effectiveness, cohesion and morale of combat arms units and personnel of the armed force under [each] officer’s jurisdiction engaged in combat, deployed to a combat theater, or preparing for deployment to a combat theater.” 
“The emphasis here is on combat troops,” said the aide, “because when Congress heard from the military chiefs, it was the leaders of the Army and Marine Corps who had the strongest concerns — the services that are most engaged in war right now.”
Why is this so damn necessary? Seriously? Do we really need to revisit a topic that has been voted on, 70% of the American public thinks is a good idea, and even its fiercest opponent, Senator John McCain, finally relented and agreed to assist in its implementation?

The economy is still in tatters, there are many folks who are suffering desperately needing jobs, the U. S. tax code needs a drastic overhaul- the list goes on, and these people are still beating the metaphorical dead horse? Worse, in my opinion, is that they keep dragging out the same old tired bogeyman scare tactics somehow making it as though Gay & Lesbians are unfit to serve openly and they will disrupt and doom the American military.

If there is anything that mitigates this tired crap,  it absolutely has to be the shining example of openly Gay Daniel Hernandez, who in a callous disregard for his personal safety and life, ran into the gunfire last Saturday at that Safeway store in Tucson to save his boss, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.

Once and for all I think, Daniel's actions proving that Gay and lesbian Americans are NO different that their heteronormal counterparts in terms of serving their country and that all this noise about ":repealing the repeal" is a massive waste of money, government resources, and time. This just serves to show how ludicrous the so-called Christian right has become. Its not even petty anymore, its deluded and calls into question whether or not these persons truly have any shred of common sense left. Instead of worrying about issues that really matter they continue to demonise the LGBTQ community....frankly? It's sickening.

We need civility, we need equality, and what we moist assuredly do not need are these fringe Christianists, especially the political types, who insist on policies that deprive their fellow citizens of their liberties and equality.


Trab said...

Well said, Brody.

Desmond Rutherford said...

Yes, well said Brody.
It's not just sickening, it defies logic, and really shows how the Christian extremists have succumbed to fear and loathing which they disguise as patriotic concern whilst quoting biblical references which most intelligent people have already repealed in favour of the message of free and loving.