Monday, January 3, 2011

Brody's Notes... Minnesota Family Council Researcher Calls GLSEN "Child Corruption" Organisation

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) JAN 3 | In a radio broadcast taped the week of December 13th and aired on Saturday, December 18th, Minnesota Family Council researcher and head of the Parents Action League, Barb Anderson, was interviewed by Peter LaBarbera, founder of the suburban Chicago based vehemently anti-gay group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, (AFTAH). Anderson tells him that there's a pro-homosexual propaganda fed to teachers through pro-LGBT seminars and workshops — which is then translated into biased, pro-”gay” education programs in schools.
Anderson agreed with LaBarbera's claims that liberal educators do not want parents to know about the radically pro-homosexual lesson programs that they are foisting on impressionable students in the name of diversity and anti-bullying efforts which she told LaBarbera are advocated by groups allegedly attempting to improve school safety for the violence, but are little more than “child corruption” organisations.
Andersen said that Colorado Springs based Focus on The Family has launched a national effort to stop the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) from spreading so-called "Safe Space safety kits"  which GLSEN claims will help prevent bullying, but are actually to blame for the bullying of gay students by promoting a “homosexual propaganda” and targeting certain students for indoctrination.
“They are the driving force, really the clearing house for all of the homosexual propaganda that is coming into the schools,” she said. “GLSEN also promotes getting gay themed literature for children to read which in most cases is extremely obscene and pornographic. They are also behind getting the Gay-Straight Alliances into the elementary schools as well.”
Anderson spoke about the successful efforts made by her group, the Parents Action League, to prevent the suburban Minneapolis Anoka-Hennepin School District from implementing anti-bullying policies that would protect LGBTQ students. MFC head Tom Prichard has previously condemned Anoka-Hennepin schools for permitting Gay Straight Alliances, which Prichard said has “kids indoctrinated in homosexuality,” adding that “it’s sad and harmful for kids to celebrate homosexuality when in fact it’s not a healthy lifestyle.”
She said that it was LGBT groups that caused the bullying because more students were coming out of the closet.
“That is one of the tactics that they are using now, to say that by not legitimizing and normalizing homosexuality, we are creating an atmosphere in the schools that is hostile to quote-end-quote gay kids,” she said. “What they are doing is just the opposite themselves. They are creating an environment where these children that are sexually confused suddenly become affirmed as a homosexual or that they are born that way, and then these kids are locked into a lifestyle with their choices limited, and many times this can be disastrous to them as they get into the behavior which leads to disease and death in some cases.”
She added, “So, it’s really… They are the ones that are contributing to an atmosphere that can even increase bullying as more kids get into this kind of a lifestyle.”
Since the death of Justin Aaberg, last July, who was gay,  his mother Tammy, has been pressing the Anoka-Hennepin School District board to make policy changes. Justin committed suicide after he was relentlessly bullied for being gay, and his family and other advocates have asked the school district to strengthen their anti-bullying policies to protect LGBT students from pervasive bullying. Anderson accused safe-schools groups such as GLSEN of using the Justin’s suicide “as a Trojan horse” to instill “pro-gay training” in schools.
Anderson agrees that bullying was a factor in the rash of highly publicised student suicides.
“Some of the bullying has just been awful and there are truly victims that have been bullied to the extent of harming themselves.”
“What concerns me is that there’s no reason we can’t stop bullying without it becoming promotion of the lifestyle,” she said. “For example, if we have kids that are teased for being too thin because they are anorexic or dealing with bulemia, that doesn’t mean that to protect them or make them safe. We have to then promote the behavior that is causing the problem in the first place, but that’s what they are doing with homosexuality.”
She added, “Really homosexual behavior is one of the most hazardous behaviors that kids could get into and start practicing.”
Anderson told LaBarbera that God’s grace will keep LGBT-friendly materials out of schools.
“I really think we can win with God’s grace,” she said. “We can stand against this onslaught by training our children. We have to teach them the truth to begin with. When you look at the homosexual population, they are only 2 to 3 percent of the population. We outnumber them by far, but we need to step forward with boldness and be reminded that we have the truth on our side.”


Desmond Rutherford said...

I thought that it might be wise to let everyone know that a person with an antisocial personality disorder was previously known as a psychopath, but the term has now been superseded by 'sociopath.'

In some circles these people are known as Neurotically Unloving Theocratic Sociopaths, NUTS.

And that is precisely what these anti-gay individuals and organisations are - NUTS. They need psychiatric assistance or failing that, they need to be removed from society and placed in secure wards for the fundamentally insane.

Trab said...

At the very least they should have their audiences removed. Free speech is one thing, absolute lies and hate mongering is another. Do we give serial killers free speech rights? Yes. Do we cater to them by having the news media cover their utterances, no! When is the media going to take some responsibility for this dissemination of falsehoods by reporting and repeating those insane statements?

D Gregory Smith said...

This meme of "converting our kids to the 'homosexual lifestyle'" is SO 1980's...

Really, if it were so easy, We'd have had full civil rights and acceptance in 300bc.

The anger and fear that comes from the Christianist perspective (which is not necessarily Christian) is based on fundamentalist inspired (and promoted) ignorance, shaming and moral superiority. It is not based on sound scriptural historical criticism and scholarship, but on literalism and ecstatic, hysterical interpretation which amounts to little more than scriptural sensationalism.

If they have no one to look down upon, there's no difference between the saved and the damned- and that annihilates their reason for existence.


Anonymous said...

What really makes me sad is this Tammy woman's perspective. I have 0 doubt that her attitudes and what she taught her son at home contributed to his death. And now she's taking actions that would simply hurt him more if he were still here to see it.

My guess is that her anger at her son's death is getting placed by her actions.