Friday, January 7, 2011

Brody's Notes... Defense Secretary Orders DOD To Accelerate DADT Repeal

By Mark Singer (Washington DC) JAN 7 | U. S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates during a Pentagon press conference yesterday, told reporters that he has instructed the Defense Department to accelerate the efforts to end the policy known as “Don’t ask, Don’t tell,” which bans on openly gay military personnel from serving.
He outlined a three-step plan: finalize changes in related regulations and policies, and get clearer definitions on benefits; prepare training materials for chaplains, lawyers, commanders and troops; and then begin to train servicemembers worldwide with the planned "roll-out" out within a “very few weeks.” 
“We’re trying to get the first two phases of that process done as quickly as possible,” Gates said, adding he has instructed Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Clifford Stanley to accelerate his efforts. “My hope is that it can be done within a matter of a very few weeks so that we can then move on to what is the real challenge, which is providing training to 2.2 million people. And we will do that as expeditiously as we can.”
Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, speaking following Secretary Gates, cautioned Gay and Lesbian servicemembers to exercise just a bit more patience.
“Now is not the time to come out,” Mullen said. “We certainly are focused on this and we won’t dawdle.”