Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... The White House Remains Silent On Marine Corps Commandant's Statements

General Douglas MacArthur greets President Truman on Wake Island
Photo By The United Press International
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 15 | I don't know with any degree of certainty how President Harry- as in Give 'Em Hell Harry- S. Truman would have treated the issues surrounding Gays & Lesbians serving in the armed forces as the president was a liberal Southern Baptist. However, I do know based on empirical historical records & evidence of President Truman's decision making, Don't Ask-Don't Tell would be gone as a policy.
Mr. Truman held those who unfairly persecuted minorities in very low esteem and as such, the policies of his administration were clear-cut and unambiguous regarding segregation of Negroes as they were then called in the armed forces- he issued an executive order ending the practise.
I should also add that it was his policy making decisions that led to the recognition of the state of Israel.
Then too, regarding the constitutionally mandated civilian control of the armed forces and chain of command,  President Truman brooked no argument as Congress, the Defence Department, and the nation saw when he fired General of the Army Douglas MacArthur for insubordinate behaviour.
We need you now Harry-desperately!  Yesterday, General James Amos, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps once again made several egregious remarks to members of the press corps at the Pentagon in eerie parallel to General MacArthur's remarks off the cuff to the reporters of his day which led to his dismissal, that absolutely contravenes President Obama's decision to pursue an immediate end to the policy of DADT.
When asked about this by the Advocate's Senior White House Correspondent Kerry Eleveld, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs dodged Eleveld's questions instead rendering a glib repetition of statements made countless times before regarding the matter by himself as well as the president. 
If roles were such that Truman was the current commander-in-chief, with almost 100% certainty it would be safe to say that Commandant Amos would have either been called into the Oval Office for a lecture, reprimand, or even been sacked.
This administration's treatment of the entire issue of ending this onerous policy has been nothing short of shameful and a mockery of the presidency of the United States and quite frankly, Mr. Truman would be outraged.


Trab said...

The whole thing reminds one a little bit of those situations in which a father abuses a child and the mother never says a thing to anyone, but mutters to the child, quietly, where no-one can overhear, "I love you very much."

The proof is in the pudding, not the talk about it.