Thursday, December 23, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Pat Robertson Still Hates Gays- But Smoking Pot? Decriminalisation Is A Great Idea!

Pat Robertson By Rob Rodgers
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 23 | Look, I have NO love for Pat Robertson nor any aspect of his so-called Christian ministries- Christian Broadcasting Network, Regency University, and especially his money leeching 700 club, which treats any LGBTQ person as less than an human being and an abomination, including public proclamations of how homosexual behaviour and lifestyle is killing folks. Yup he said that- as far as the good reverend goes, elimination of LGBTQ persons is a biblical imperative. Thus, I tend to ignore anything that permeates the airwaves or intrudes into the public discourse from the Virginia Beach based Robertson.
Robertson's seemingly neverending bouts of homophobic pronouncements in my eyes are in the same category as Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth (about Homosexuality, or AFTAH), Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, Bryan Fischer, American Family Association's chief propagandist, Brian Brown & Maggie Gallagher from the National Organisation for Marriage or any other spokesperson for one of the alleged Christian family values groups who insist on Gay bashing whether or not they view it as such.
But let's go back to Reverend Righteousness for a minute.... okay, bear with me here, IF homosexual behaviour is just that, behaviour, and obviously according to him its just not right and its a sin, then how on earth does he justify the following? 
This is from a recent 700 Club broadcast where he & his co-host are discussing a politician's views on crime:
"It got to be a big deal in campaigns: 'He's tough on crime,' and 'lock 'em up!'" the Christian Coalition founder said. "That's the way these guys ran and, uh, they got elected. But, that wasn't the answer."
His co-host added that the success of religious-run dormitories for drug and alcohol cessation therapy present an "opportunity" for faith-based communities to lead the way on drug law reforms.
"We're locking up people that have taken a couple puffs of marijuana and next thing you know they've got 10 years with mandatory sentences," Robertson continued. "These judges just say, they throw up their hands and say nothing we can do with these mandatory sentences. We've got to take a look at what we're considering crimes and that's one of 'em.
"I'm ... I'm not exactly for the use of drugs, don't get me wrong, but I just believe that criminalizing marijuana, criminalizing the possession of a few ounces of pot, that kinda thing it's just, it's costing us a fortune and it's ruining young people. Young people go into prisons, they go in as youths and come out as hardened criminals. That's not a good thing."
Seriously Pat? Seriously?  Robertson has often claimed that LGBTQ people are reprobates. By the way, I honestly don't care if people smoke pot as its one of those habits that in my opinion rates right up there with cigarettes and alcoholic beverages in terms of a self indulgence on the part of the person involved. It's just that Robertson's flip flop annoys me and smells like hypocrisy. Oh and here, the definition of reprobate according to the good pastor:
Reprobate : that which is rejected on account of its own worthlessness (Jer. 6:30; Heb. 6:8; Gr. adokimos, "rejected"). This word is also used with reference to persons cast away or rejected because they have failed to make use of opportunities offered them (1 Cor. 9:27; 2 Cor. 13:5-7). 
Now, in fairness, if pot were decriminalised, given that there are those who will over indulge and we all know what happens when one gets throughly stoned out of their minds..... I wonder which sets of behaviours Reverend Righteousness will find less appealing? What's really making me furious is his supernatant hypocrisy regarding his versions of acceptable behaviours.


Trab said...

You are surprised at hypocrisy in the religious right? Seriously, Brody? Seriously?