Thursday, December 16, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... FRC's Tony Perkins Wants To End The Left's Character Assassination

Photo By Damn Regrets, 'Susan' from Canada on
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 16 | As I was perusing the contents of my Inbox this morning I ran across this blurb from Tony Perkins at the Family Research Council:
Stop Hating, Start Debating!
If Southern Poverty Law Center thinks FRC is a "hate group," they're in the minority! An open letter, signed by more than 150 organizational leaders, members of Congress, and other elected officials, hit the pages of the Washington Examiner and Politico today. Together with FRC, American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, National Organization for Marriage, and Liberty Counsel, these men and women are standing with us in calling for civil debate--and an end to the Left's character assassination. SPLC, which was once known for fighting racial bigotry, is sinking its reputation by trying to smear groups that uphold Judeo-Christian views, including marriage as the union of a man and woman. This is intolerance--and our movement won't stand for it. Join us in supporting free speech and honest debate by signing on to the petition at our new website,
Here's the thing Tony and crew- especially Peter Spriggs- You folk actually foster intolerance by foisting ideology that has no place in a secular society.  This so-called judeo-christian ethos of yours, which you broadly imply is the so-called standard and norm of contemporary American society, is actually prejudicial to Americans from other beliefs and cultures who don't share your views. Which I might add includes atheists  who are insulted by the imposition of those beliefs that make them feel as though they too are lumped in with LGBTQ folk, all of whom are treated as second class citizenry by your group and peers.
You say we're intolerant? Hardly Tony- every debate I've heard you engage in the public discourse leaves no doubt that you'd much rather see LGBTQ people disappear from the American landscape and your colleague and "FRC Senior Fellow" Peter Spriggs made it abundantly clear last winter during a televised interview, that he'd love to see LGBTQ folk be penalised with criminal sanctions for loving each other or themselves for that matter.
What Character assassination is there Tony? 
The truth is that the majority of your peers and you fit the parameters of a bumper sticker that was quite popular in the mid 1980's that read: "The Moral Majority is neither."  Still holds true if George Rekers-one of FRC's founders is any example. You remember that Dr. Rekers went on vacation with a male rent-boy to "lift" his luggage just this past summer don't you?
Why do you people insist on trespassing into people's personal and private lives Tony? Was it not that Jewish carpenter you all venerate that said, and I'm paraphrasing here, "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself and do unto others as you'd have done unto you?"
We don't need more debate Tony. No, what we need is for you folks at FRC and similar so-called family values organisations to focus on issues that affect people in a direct and viable way such as hunger, education, health care, and concerns that matter, NOT where people are sticking or using their genitalia.
Tony?  You want to know something? I miss those bumper stickers because it's the bare naked truth.


Desmond Rutherford said...

The Golden Rule:
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

The 'Silver Rule':
"Do not do unto others that which you would not like done to you."

Tony Perkins and those like him are clearly not interested in debate. Their agenda is to convince people to conform to their own views based on their choice of religion, and which denies the validity of other views.

Why do they do this, you might well ask?

The answer has to do with their own indoctrination which stifled their understanding of freewill, the right to freedom of expression and thought,and the ability to accept diversity without confrontation.

They seem unable to accept that other people have different answers to the enigma of human existence which are equally as valid as their own beliefs.

The problem with the Abrahamic religions and their derivatives, is their incessant demand that everyone should be believe as they do; that everyone should obey their concept of their God's law, despite the attempts in secular law to protect individual human rights to pursue happiness without harassment.

Until Perkins and like-minded people admit the validity of beliefs differing to their own, then discussion is not possible. The debate platform for them, is simply a pulpit for yet another sermon which threatens freedom of thought through instilling guilt, fear and ignorance.

Thus the debate is cancelled owing to a lack of intelligence, and if that is seen as character assassination then the problem is with the truth which Perkins and company do not seem to be able to handle.