Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Brody's Notes & Scribbles... LGBTQ Youth Freeze & Starve: NYC Cuts Funds For LGBTQ Ali Forney Centre While Anti-Gay Catholic League Reported $26.2 million In Net Assets

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 22 | Three days before Christmas and the Ali Forney LGBTQ Youth Shelter and Centre in New York City is scrambling to provide beds, meals, decent clothes for a portion of the estimated over 3,000 Gay, Lesbian, Bi and especially transgendered youth who have been kicked out of their homes due to their sexuality or related conflicts.
Progressive activist LGBTQ blogger and editor of the widely popular Joe.My.God website- Joe Jervis, reported today that New York City based journalist Michael K. Lavers reports at the Edge:
Juan Valdez literally remains out in the cold. The 21-year-old from Orlando, Florida, has been homeless since he arrived in New York City eight months ago. Valdez’s parents kicked him out of their home. And he told EDGE he now sleeps with what he described as "a whole bunch of ex-convicts" looking for sex. "I’ve been homeless the whole time I’ve been here," said Valdez. Valdez literally shivered alongside more than a hundred activists and elected officials on the steps of City Hall in lower Manhattan on Tuesday, Dec. 21, to protest Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposed cuts to homeless youth programs.
The Centre's Director, Carl Siciliano, notes that as the visibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people grows in our society, more and more LGBT teens are finding the courage to come out of the closet.
Tragically, as many as 25% of these teens are rejected by their families, and many end up homeless on the streets. Homeless LGBT teens are more likely than straight homeless teens to be subjected to violence on the streets, and in the homeless shelter system. They suffer from inordinate rates of mental illness, trauma, HIV infection and substance abuse.
Now, as you may wish to consider donating funds to the Centre or possibly a donation in your locale, consider this data offered by Catholics, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, which disclosed in an article entitled: The Catholic Church's $400,000 Fax Machine, that the Catholic League President William Donohue receives $399,156 in annual compensation and that the CL organisation holds $26 Million in assets.
As Joe Jervis has pointed out numerous times, Donohue's principal advocacy and lobbying efforts are focused on elimination of support for LGBTQ Equality Rights. He seems to elect to spend his entire time fighting LGBTQ equality, with the most recent ignominious  example being his successful campaign to remove an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution's National Portrait Gallery because Donohue claimed it was an offence to Christians, families, and especially Catholics. Donohue was joined in his efforts by Congressional conservatives who have since threatened to limit public funds to the Smithsonian. (Note: The exhibit was privately funded.)
Catholics United:
Washington, DC – Controversial Catholic League president William Donohue – whose work has now gained the support of the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – earned a salary of $342,500 in 2009, with an additional $56,656 in fringe benefits. According to annual IRS Form 990 filings, the organization spent more than $2.6 million in 2009, despite the fact that its program work constitutes little more than the issuing of inflammatory press releases.
The Catholic League masquerades as an official ministry of the Catholic Church while engaging in heavyhanded tactics that many Catholics find distasteful. Donohue recently threatened a media campaign against state governors who didn't display nativity scenes in state capitol buildings. Earlier this year, he defended culture warrior Glenn Beck's incendiary comments against the preaching of social justice in Christian churches.
The IRS filings list other examples of lavish spending. The organization shells out $335,914 for its midtown Manhattan office space, and compensates vice president Bernadette Brady to the tune of $203,727. An additional $57,826 is spent on office equipment.
As organizations go, the Catholic League is a “non-profit” in name only. In 2009 it pocketed $943,516 in excess revenue, down from $1.35 million in 2008. As of the most recent filings, the Catholic League reported $26.2 million in net assets.
Here's where any reasonably intelligent person who has empathy for their fellow human beings, especially the younglings has to ask; "You spend millions on ads, campaigns, radio, TV, what ever it takes to defeat Gays & Lesbians-yet you can't provide money for housing, clothes, meals?"
Jervis points out aside from the youth issue, there are impoverished parishes closing down and soup kitchens being shuttered, while the Catholic League somehow spends millions and makes millions doing nothing but fighting against LGBT rights.
Merry Christmas eh?