Friday, December 31, 2010

Brody's Notes & Scribbles... Ending Another Eventful Year... Saying Goodbye To 2010

By Brody Levesque (Bethesda, Maryland) DEC 31 | This has been one of those years that are oft times referred to as epic, especially in advancing closer towards the goal of full equality for LGBTQ persons here in the United States and elsewhere around the globe. But, sadly, there's still a long way to go.
Rather than rehash this year in a lengthy recap, I'll instead link to The Washington Blade's excellent year end review. [ Here ] But I did want to remind folks that we still need to continue to make a difference for LGBTQ youth and young adults to prevent more of those sad and numbing suicides by creating a greater sense of awareness that there are people who can help, who do give a damn, and that it can and does get better.
I want to thank all of you, my readers and contributors for such a marvelous year of growth and increasing readership. I tip my hat in great gratitude to Mark, Linsey, Tim, Des, Darryl & Crew, Greg, Ethan, Joe, Rob, and Kathy along with special thanks to Nikita & Anton. Happy New Year! 
Now as this year ends and 2011 begins, I want to to highlight a very special man, a pioneer in the LGBTQ equality rights movement, Dr. Frank Kameny, without whom, victories such as the repeal of "Don't Ask-Don't Tell" would not have been possible. Although we still need to address issues such as DOMA, ENDA, and uniting queer families on the immigration front, Frank was and still is a voice to be reckoned with on LGBTQ equality rights, and he needs our help as a community.
Washington based freelance journalist and co-founder of the website, Zack Rosen, has launched a plea to join in the effort to lend Frank a much needed hand:
Dr. Frank Kameny & Dan Choi Photo By Marvin Carter
Frank Kameny's name is synonymous with the gay rights movement and his fame is second only to Harvey Milk. His papers are on display in the Smithsonian and he has been honored by President Obama as a "civil rights pioneer." Every day you and I live lives that are made better because of Frank Kameny. At very least, each of us can agree that we would gladly buy the man a drink.
While Mr. Kameny (85 years old) lives very simply at his modest home in Washington DC, he has struggled to make ends meet on his slim pension. Also, while his mind is sharp he has difficulty managing his finances. To be brief, one of our greatest heroes needs help. For the price of a nice cocktail ($10) you can toast Frank and thank him for all he has done for us. He has fought for us his entire life. It's our turn to repay the favor.
Zach notes that the Gay Rights movement is notorious for "eating its leaders alive," as the saying goes, "but I can't think of anyone out there that could criticize Frank Kameny's actions or intentions." Instead, he has just been forgotten. But he is still with us. It is important to show him our support, and by extension our gratitude, while we still have him.
If you'd like to support Dr. Kameny, please visit the facebook page for "Buy Frank a Drink" with more information about the project and instructions on how to donate. [Here]


Desmond Rutherford said...

And May I wish a Happy 2011 to you Brody, and the Brody Bunch.

Trab said...

Thanks, Brody. I made a donation.

Trab said...

Oh yes, Happy New Year everyone. Nobody said I was swift.