Monday, December 20, 2010

Brody's Notes... The Right Falls Noticeably Silent On DADT Vote- Except For...

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 20 | The People For The American Way organisation's Right Wing Watch blogsite noted that there has been mostly silence from prominent conservative groups and so-called family values groups in the aftermath of the Senate vote that effectively repealed the DADT policy.  RWW blogger Kyle noted in his column this morning that:
"So far, we have not heard a peep about the vote from the American Center for Law and Justice, Concerned Women for America, The Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family, the Traditional Values Coalition, Vision America, The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, The Christian Coalition, Renewing America Leadership or anything from conservative leaders like Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, James Dobson, Newt Gingrich, or Richard Land.
Most amazingly, Pat Robertson didn't even bother to comment on the vote after the segment about it on today's 700 Club ... though the story did include this quote from the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins saying the Senate would have blood on their hands-"
Reaction from other quarters though has been demonstrably harsher in rhetoric and a call by one Virgina State Lawmaker to ban Gays & Lesbians serving in the State's National Guard.
The Washington Post's Anita Kumar writes in today's edition:
Following this weekend's vote by the Senate to allow gays to openly serve in the military, Del. Bob Marshall (R-Prince WIlliam) said he is drafting a bill for the 2011 legislative session that would ban them from serving in the Virginia National Guard.
"This policy will weaken military recruitment and retention, and will increase pressure for a military draft,'' Marshall said. "After 232 years of prohibiting active, open homosexuals from enlisting in our military, President Obama and a majority in Congress are conducting a social experiment with our troops and our national security...In countries where religions and cultures find homosexual acts immoral, the Obama administration's repeal policy will work to the detriment of all American troops in securing local cooperation with our nation's foreign policy goals."
Kumar adds:
Marshall, who is considering running for U.S. Senate in 2012, is one of the House's most conservative members. He said Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution gives Virginia the authority to uphold the ban by "reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress." "The Constitution never would have been ratified if states were not reserved unqualified control of the militia, now called the National Guard," he said. But Claire Guthrie Gastanaga, general and legislative counsel for Equality Virginia, which advocates for gay rights, said the National Guard is is subject to the same rules as other federal military units. "Any state statute seeking to set different standards for the Virginia National Guard would be a nullity with no effect,'' she said.
Kevin McCullough, a conservative radio personality and columnist at the ultra conservative website Townhall wrote in his op-ed column published yesterday:
If it is morally questionable to have men and women housed together because of the sexual tension that exists between primarily men who would be predatorily interested in the women they might shower with or frequently be seen in the act of dressing and undressing on a regular basis, why is it any different if you have identified the predatory homosexual male who might have an unrequited "thing" for a fellow service member? If it is proper to keep men and women housed separately do we now go to four sets of housing. Men who don't engage in homosexual activity, Men who do, Women who don't, Women who do? Practically speaking Mr. President how do you get past the fundamental sexual tension that will be present the minute some make it known?
He also added:
Consider this issue a prediction of sorts, but take it to the bank that those who engage in open homosexuality will feel the freedom if not the need begin to portray themselves as victims of harassment pretty much anytime something doesn't go their way. And it may not require anything all that severe to trigger it. A drill instructor gets a little too rough in his language while trying to beat the "sissy" out of a recruit in basic training or Officer Candidate School and the backlog will commence.
The majority of the rest of McCullough's comments were in a similar vein regarding other aspects of the so-called passage of the "Gay Agenda."
Predictably, comments in the conservative circles have ranged from mild protest to extreme stances such as this:
Fabius Cunctator Wrote:
An Organized Minority
Gays are only 0.75% of the population of the United States: that is 75 gays per 10,000 people, or 75 homosexuals mixed in with every 9,925 normal people in the population. This percentage is the amount of dedicated homosexual adults. Larger figures include people who only experimented with homosexuality once or twice, are bisexual, or had a homosexual experience while a minor with another minor.
Because they are highly organized into pressure groups, well funded, and vociferous, they have influenced education, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), politics, and the courts.
A famous man said that, “A well organized minority can overcome a disorganized majority”. Gays had the APA remove Homosexuality from its list of abnormalities in 1973. Homosexuals are indoctrinating elementary school educators to include homosexuality as a “life style” choice for children. Homosexuals are influencing legislatures, courts, and the entertainment industry. Many innocent people now believe that homosexuality is normal behavior.
Homosexuality is a curable psychological behavior disorder based on male-female identity disorientation. Homosexuals are promiscuous because their sexual desire is not psychologically satisfied: because sex acts performed between two people of the same sex cannot achieve this satisfaction. Therefore, the homosexual is always looking for the next partner to give him the psychological satisfaction that he never finds.
That is the main reason that the Military does not want homosexuals in their ranks. Homosexuals destabilize the group harmony of a military unit because they are always looking for their next sexual partner.
John Wrote:
I believe the Leftists on the Hill know exactly what they're doing to the military. They never miss any opportunity to damage our armed forces. Forcing the services to become co-ed, the absentee-ballot scandals, ROTC banned from college campuses, interference with recruiting -- they are attacking the military every day in every way. Their goal is that the US stand helpless in the face of our (not their) enemies. This act makes homos protected service members, just as women and racial minorities already are. Someone mentioned body-bags for homos who proposition straight troops. Are you kidding? Remember the gay guy in Wyoming (or wherever it was, I don't remember myself) who got murdered by two straight guys? My God, it was Pearl Harbor, Ted Bundy, and 9-11 rolled into one. Any unit where a homo is attacked will be wiped out, from CO to buck private reassigned to the Aleutians or the Korean DMZ.
jjarrett Wrote:
Maybe when you send a few of these homosexuals home in body bags because they propositioned the wrong one, or flaunted their behavior in front of the wrong one, and maybe they will listen. I doubt it.
We are on the path to the next big terrrorist event in this country. Remember the last time? First, they bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. Then we had multiple attacks on military personnel, as well as the embassies.
Now it's started again. We had the attack in Afghanistan where the guy threw the grenade into the tent. Fort Hood, and the recruiting station in Arkansas.
This is the beginning of the next big attack, and Obama has just weakened our military. This is also the end of his presidency. He has simply picked the wrong ones to anger, and he will suffer the consequences of his actions whether he wants to or not.
It is well past time we stopped accommodating every special interest group that's had its feelings hurt, and do the right thing.
As a Christian, I really don't care what homosexuals do behind closed doors. That's between them and God. They have to answer for it.
As a veteran, I am angry because homosexuals want to shove their social agenda down our throats because they want to be accepted. They want to assert false rights and destroy our God given rights outlined in the Constitution. This is unacceptable.
Well, grow up and act like an adult. Homosexuality is a behavior, it's an immoral behavior, and you cannot use the force of law to make the rest of us support a behavior that we consider immoral.
The most unfortunate thing in this situation is that it is the troops that will pay for Obama's mistakes. If we really want to do what's right for our troops, we will vote Obama out of office and get rid of this cancer on our society.


Trab said...

If nothing else, the comments about homosexuality amply shows the abysmal ignorance of the speakers, if one credits them with no brain function, and shows an abominable evil if one does credit them with brain function.

Trab said...

jjarrett wrote:
"It is well past time we stopped accommodating every special interest group that's had its feelings hurt, and do the right thing"

Ahem. jjarrett would do well to follow his own advice and finally do the right thing; of course that would require understanding that the twisted religious viewpoint holders ARE a special interest group.

Trab said...

John wrote:
"This act makes homos protected service members, just as women and racial minorities already are."

And if that statement doesn't acknowledge the full extent of the problem of widespread discrimination in the services, nothing will.