Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Brody's Notes... North Carolina County Commissioner: "Homosexuals Are Sexual Predators"

Bill James (R-Charlotte)  via SheWired.com
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) DEC 28 | A North Carolina County Commissioner known for his outspoken Anti-Gay views, has called Gay people sexual predators in an e-mail to his fellow Mecklenburg County Commissioners. Bill James, (R), was apparently angrily responding to an email from fellow Mecklenburg County Commissioner Jennifer Roberts, who had sent a request to her fellow commissioners to sign a thank-you note to the state’s Washington DC congressional delegation whom had voted to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”
According to North Carolina based QNotes executive editor Matt Comer:
“Homosexuals are sexual predators,” James wrote in one email from a string of several between county board members, Roberts and County Manager Harry Jones, and provided by James to qnotes. “Allowing homosexuals to serve in the US military with the endorsement of the Mecklenburg County Commission ignores a host of serious problems related to maintaining US military readiness and effectiveness not the least of which is the current Democrat plan to allow homosexuals (male and female) to share showers with those they are attracted to.”
James added, “The US Government would not allow Hetero men and women to share showers and other personal facilities yet the leading homosexual in Congress (Barney Frank) thinks it is OK for homosexuals to do so allowing enlisted men and women to fall prey to higher ranking or more powerful homosexuals who ogle them (or worse).”
This is not the first time James has inflamed the LGBTQ community with homophobic remarks. According to Pam Spaulding, the founding editor of Pam's House Blend in Durham, North Carolina-
A year ago during debate on domestic partner benefits for county employees, James leaned over to his Democratic colleague, Vilma Leake, and called her son a "homo." Leake's son died from AIDS in the 1990s. When Leake heard that, she replied: "Don't make me hurt you. Don't do that to me. Don't talk to me about my son."
He refused to apologize, saying "It is akin to someone whose son is an alcoholic and died from the disease, using his death from drinking as justification to have the taxpayers pay for more booze."
Comer reports that James, a twenty year veteran of the county board, has a history of inflamatory remarks outside of his Anti-Gay outbursts. Comer writes that the Mecklenburg Gay and Lesbian Political Action Committe (MeckPAC) released a statement condemning James’ remarks noting that Commissioner James has also said that black Americans live in a “moral sewer.”
The statement also said:
The community needs to hear loudly where each board member stands. LGBT and questioning youth — many of whom have been victims of bully suicides encouraged by Commissioner James’ attitude — should know there’s nothing wrong with them and they should not feel ashamed of who they are. LGBT people are of course not sexual predators or anything of the sort, despite the mythology that preaches otherwise.


Trab said...

Catholic priests are sexual predators, and they have access. Nobody seems to be screaming about that, which means the 'sexual predator' part of the discussion is not the important part to the Commissioner, but the fact of LGBT is.

That is the very essence of discrimination, isn't it? When behaviour (controllable) is not of concern, but the essence of the person (non-controllable) is the concern.

No matter what they spout, it invariably comes down to the bigots not comprehending or wanting to comprehend that being gay is NOT a choice. It is simply an attraction to someone of the say sex.

Trab said...

Correction (obvious): ...someone of the same sex.