By Mark Singer (Washington DC) NOV 12 | The Drama Club students of Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, Maryland are performing The Laramie Project. In addition to expected attendance by parents, relatives, school students, faculty and staff and other members of the city of Rockville community, outside for at least an hour or more will be members of the controversial Topeka, Kansas based Westboro Baptist Church, who announced their picketing on their website, god hates fags, protesting the high school putting on the performance.
The award winning play which opens Saturday in an afternoon matinée, was written by Moisés Kaufman and members of the Tectonic Theater Project, about the community's reaction to the 1998 murder of University of Wyoming gay student Matthew Shepard in Laramie, Wyoming by that city's residents.
The play draws on hundreds of interviews conducted by the original theater company with inhabitants, company members' own journal entries and published news reports. It is divided into three acts, and eight actors portray more than sixty characters in a series of short scenes.
Westboro Baptist Church, headed by Fred Phelps who also picketed the funeral of Matthew Shepard 12 years ago said in their press release:
Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville, MD November 13, 2010 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
WBC will picket the Laramie Project at Richard Montgomery High School to remind everyone that God killed Matthew Shepard and he has been burning in Hell for 12 years now - with eternity left to go. Lest ye repent, ye shall likewise perish!
This nation set up a filthy, drug-addicted sodomite as a hero to be worshipped because he got himself killed while out trolling for his lusts. His mother, fag-pimp Judy Shepard, uses his death as a platform to promote fags across this land. Instead, she should be warning this nation to turn form their lusts and sin and OBEY THE LORD! Like all other doomed americans, fag-pimp Judy wouldn't have it any other way - she will not let go of her sins and doesn't want anyone else to either! Never fear, WBC will step in to do the job of warning this nation to flee the wrath to come. God promised to curse those who follow the path of Matthew Shepard, woe unto those involved with promoting sodomy through such filth as The Laramie Project!
Montgomery High School Principal Nelson McLeod in an email to local media wrote:
"It is our understanding that there maybe a rally held during a non-instructional day near Richard Montgomery High School. Based on that information, a security plan was developed with Montgomery County Public Schools officials and the City of Rockville Police Department."
Rockville Police Chief Terrance N. Treschuk told reporters who inquired about the plans by the Westboro church said that police officers will monitor the demonstration, but he added that church members are within their civil right to protest at the school.
Denise Saladyga, the co-artistic director of the school's Richard Montgomery Black Maskers Drama Club, speaking with Nesa Nourmohammadi, staff writer for the Maryland Gazette newspaper about the planned protest:
"We had significant discussions here on the subject," she said. "The kids are pretty hot about it but there's not much we can do. We asked students not to [counter] protest," she said. "Our stand is that there's nothing to gain by giving [Fred Phelps] the attention he wants."
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