Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brody's Notes... Pope Benedict XVI Attacks Same-Sex Marriage & Abortion

Pope Benedict XVI speaks before Sagrada Familia Basilica, Barcelona, Spain
Photo By SkyNews UK
By Mark Singer (Washington DC) NOV 7 | Speaking during a mass celebrating the consecration of the Sagrade Familia Basilica in Barcelona, Spain today, Pope Benedict XVI strongly defended the Catholic Church's conservative family values and then condemned abortion.
"The generous and indissoluble love of a man and a woman is the effective context and foundation of human life," Benedict said, "For this reason the Church resists every form of denial of human life and gives its support to everything that would promote the natural order in the sphere of the institution of the family," he added.
The mass was attended by members of the Spanish government including King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia, and at least 6,500 people packed into the plaza in front of the cathedral while several thousand more spectators in attendance watched the mass at Barcelona's La Monumental bullring, on JumboTrons set-up especially for the papal visit.
Benedict remarked that the dedication of the church as a basilica "is an event of great importance, at a time in which man claims to be able to build his life without God."

Sagrada Familia, a spectacular cathedral designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi, has been under construction for 128 years and is not expected to be completed before 2025.
Barcelona is known as Spain's most progressive, vibrant and tolerant city and the papal visit sparked outrage in particular from the city's LGBT community. Around 200 Gays & Lesbian protesters staged a five minute-long "kiss-in" as the Popemobile drove past the crowds.
"We are here to demonstrate against the pope's visit and call for a change in the mentality of the Catholic institution which still opposes our right to different ways of loving," said one protester, Sergi Diaz.
In an interview with Britain's Sky News reporter Kat Higgins, Helena Coll, 26, protesting with her friend Rebecca, added: "Religions speak of peace, humanity, of respect but then they they discriminate against these values."
"Homophobia. Hypocrisy. Corruption. Confessional state. Paedophilia. Vatican bank. NO THANK YOU," read one large white and black banner hung from the balcony of an apartment near the Sagrada Familia.


Tim Trent said...

I am afraid, though he leads a large sect, his views have no relevance in a modern society. But the problem is the nastier(!) sects that will take the place of them