Sunday, November 7, 2010

Brody's Notes... Black Minister Calls On Christian Faithful To Use The Word 'Fag'

James Manning Photo By Black Political Buzz
By Brody Levesque (Bethesda, Maryland) NOV 7 | A New York City based pentecostal minister James Manning, has recently released a video in which he states that use of the homophobic epithet, 'Fag,' is biblically acceptable and needs to be employed frequently when referring to any LGBT person.  Manning also stated that equality rights for LGBT Americans who practise the "biblical abomination" of homosexuality will lead to the legalisation of bestiality, citing an example of the potential for the video's viewership to possibly have a loved one desire to marry a dog or a goat. 
Manning is no stranger to controversial declarations. Not long after the current President of the United States Barack Obama was elected, he called Obama's mother "white trash" for becoming pregnant by a black man out of wedlock. Manning revisited this issue on 8 December 2008 during a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, when he said in reference to the President;
"It is common knowledge that African men, coming from the continent of Africa—especially for the first time—do diligently seek out white women to have sexual intercourse with. Generally the most noble of white society choose not to intercourse sexually with these men. So it's usually the trashier ones who make their determinations that they're going to have sex."
Manning is the chief pastor at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in New York City. Manning grew up in Red Springs, North Carolina and has been at ATLAH since 1981. ATLAH stands for All The Land Anointed Holy, which is Manning's name for Harlem.


Tim Trent said...

With regard to the word, 'fag', I feel we are missing a trick here.

When I was young I hated to think I was 'queer'. That word is now becoming socially acceptable. Indeed many gay folk have embraced it.

I think we need a radical approach when people use epithets intended to hurt us. We need to embrace them and make them cuddly and fluffy., and we need to rid ourselves of the hatemongers.