Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brody's Notes... White House Tells Advocate's Eleveld It Expects Senate To Repeal DADT

Photo By Brody Levesque
By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) OCT 7 | In an e-mail response to the Advocate magazine's senior White House Correspondent, Kerry Eleveld, White House Director Of Specialty Media Shin Inouye wrote
"We are not commenting on contingencies if the Senate does not act because we expect the Senate to act – it is the right and fair thing to do and it is in the national security interest of the country for it to get done."
This in response to a query from Eleveld earlier in the week as to whether or not the Obama Administration has any contingency plan in place should the National Defence Authorisation Act, to which a repeal of DADT is attached as an amendment, is not passed.
According to Eleveld, following is the full White House Statement:
“The President has repeatedly said he wants a lasting and durable solution to DADT, and he continues to believe that the Senate should follow the bipartisan action in the House to repeal the statute. The White House continues to work with the Congressional leadership on a host of issues that need to be addressed when they come back into session, including passage of the National Defense Authorization Act. We are not commenting on contingencies if the Senate does not act because we expect the Senate to act – it is the right and fair thing to do and it is in the national security interest of the country for it to get done.”


Trab said...

You can certainly read that statement in two ways: they don't want to comment as anything could happen but they expect the best possible result (the face value); they don't want to comment as they don't want to make the vote go the wrong way in response to their comments (the hidden meaning, indicating much less security and self confidence).

Anyone want to guess which is their real reason?