Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Brody's Journal... In Praise Of HIV Negative Gay Men!

By Mark S. King (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) OCT 13 | In the anxious world of sexuality and HIV risk, we could all use a little love and support. So, in the spirit of everyone getting the attention they deserve, allow me a moment to throw a party for HIV negative gay men.
HIV negative gay men hear a lot about what they should be doing (or not doing), but rarely about what they are doing well. They have had to plod along, making the best choices they could to remain negative, fearing every blood test, and often watching friends become infected with HIV.
Clearly, HIV positive people are subjected to daily stigmatization and prejudice, from the workplace to the dating pool. But this isn’t a contest. Considering that my personal blogsite is devoted to living joyfully with HIV, it’s probably about time that I sent some love toward my HIV negative brothers (and sisters).
Finally, do me an important favor. Please share the following video with an HIV negative friend you care about (for the direct YouTube link: [ Click Here Let them know you appreciate the choices they are making. I speak from the perspective of a gay man, but everyone could use a little encouragement!
Meantime, my friends, please be well.
Mark S. King is an award winning columnist, author, blogger and AIDS advocate who has been involved in gay causes since the early 1980’s. 
King has appeared as a regular spokesperson on ABC News48 Hours, CNN News and inThe Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. His award-winning writing has been featured in The AdvocateNewsweekThe Washington Blade, and on web site. King has been honored for his writing numerous times, including the 2007-2008 National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association’s award for best opinion piece of the year, for his essay “Once, When We Were Heroes,” about the early days of the AIDS epidemic.