Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Brody's Notes.... Former U. S. Air Force Major On McCain's Remarks: 'He's Being Deliberately Deceptive.'

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) SEPT 22 | In an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow last night, former USAF Major Mike Almy reacts to Senator John McCain's angry exchange yesterday afternoon after the DADT Senate vote with The Advocate's Senior White House Correspondent Kerry Eleveld and DC Metroweekly's Chris Geidner:


Trab said...

I'm not nearly as stunned by McCain's comments (if you can call repeating the same words over and over commentS) as the naive thinking that politicians in general and Republican bigots in particular ever tell the truth. As far back as you care to go, promises and statements by politicians have been made to further their own ends, not to further truth or justice. There has been the odd beacon of light, but all too few.