In a press release, the AFER wrote:
"On Wednesday, Text “EQUAL” to 69866 to get a text message with the official decision on your mobile phone the moment the court releases its decision, or sign-up for an email alert at equalrightsfoundation.org. Join AFER on its Web site to watch a live press conference with our plaintiffs and co-counsels Ted Olson and David Boies following the release of the decision. As we receive news about the details of the release, AFER will update our Facebook and Twitter profiles, along with our Web site."
Rex Wockner, a veteran correspondent who has reported news for gay media for 26 years in hundreds of publications, is tracking the decision at his website & has complied a list of gatherings & rallies nationally available on his website. [Here] For the latest updates and reports:
Joe Jervis at: Joe.My.God
Bil Browning's: The Bilerico Project
Pam Spaulding's: Pam's House Blend
CBC News Alerts
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Calif. same-sex marriage ban overturned
A U.S. federal court judge has overturned California's same-sex
marriage ban, reports say. U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker's
decision strikes down voter-backed Proposition 8, which outlawed
same-sex marriage after the state Supreme Court made it legal.
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