Friday, July 2, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Battling The Shallow End Of The Gene Pool

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) July 2 | Joe Jervis, Pam Spaulding, Bil Browning, Jim Burroway, Andy Towle, have all done yeoman's work in keeping the LGBT community aware of just how insidious and dangerous the rhetoric coming from the likes of say Tony Perkins and, or as Joe Jervis loves to refer to him as; Porno Peter LaBarbera. I want to applaud their combined efforts and urge you to visit their webpages. 
In keeping with this, I stumbled across an article today at Joe Jervis' Joe.My.God blog, that really just arsed me. I have seriously gotten to the point, when regarding the ultra-christian right or Christiban, that I am way past being sickened with their ignorance, their stupidity, and the absolute hatred they express towards their fellow human beings because of a private and natural sexual act. Nope, I am just angered to the point of being radicalised. These clowns truly are from the shallow end of the gene pool. Oh, and as if to properly illustrate that point, pop over to Pam's Houseblend and read the article on Perkins' testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee last evening opposing Solicitor General of the U. S. Elena Kagan. In another article, also regarding Mr. Perkins, there's a marvelous photo of Perkins at a Racist White Entitlement organisation's meeting as  an honoured speaker with a Confederate Flag prominently featured behind him at the podium. Pam captioned the photo with: [ Tony Perkins gave a speech at a white supremacist group event. In 2001, Perkins spoke at a meeting of the Louisiana chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white nationalist group which has called blacks "a retrograde species of humanity" and is considered a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. ]
Today's offering of dreck & drivel and pseudo satire by UNCW Associate-Professor Mike Adams certainly manged to to fit within the above parameters. Adams has a lengthy history of conservative diatribe that at one point had him being threatened with lawsuit by the daughter of a colleague attending UNC Wilmington in 2001 and most recently a decision by Malcolm J. Howard, U.S. District Court Judge  in Greenville, N.C.,  who held that Mr. Adams had failed to prove his allegation that the university denied him a promotion to full professor based on his Christian beliefs and conservative views, which he has expressed in a substantial body of published opinion columns that emulate the style of Ann Coulter and often have taken aim at the university's administration, faculty members, and staff.
Granted, Professor Adams is taking aim at Atheists, but, one needs to note that more than a few LGBT persons profess no belief owing to the extreme bias & prejudice displayed by the extremist religious types. Here's an excerpt:
"I can’t stand atheists. And I plan to do something about them. Thankfully, the U.S. Supreme Court has given me a powerful tool to use in my war against the godless. Earlier this week, the Court ruled that a public university may require all student organizations to admit any student as a voting member or officer. The decision applies even to a student who is openly hostile to the group's fundamental beliefs.
So, when I get back to the secular university in August, I plan to round up the students I know who are most hostile to atheism. Then I’m going to get them to help me find atheist-haters willing to join atheist student groups across the South. I plan to use my young fundamentalist Christian warriors to undermine the mission of every group that disagrees with me on the existence of God."
But wait! it gets better! 
"The Court's majority opinion does not consider the constitutionality of non-discrimination policies as applied to belief-based student groups. Instead, the Court held that public universities like Hastings may only deny the right to freedom of expressive association to religious student groups like CLS if they deny this freedom to all groups.
So my campaign will conform to this opinion by first ensuring that there are no belief based groups on southern campuses. We won’t be able to discern the specifics of their beliefs by reading their constitutions. But we’ll be able to get the gist of what they’re up to by simply knowing the name of their group. Then we will seek to destroy groups whose names are even remotely suspicious. If I see any words like “atheist,” agnostic”, or even “free-thinker” I will know they are a group of godless heathens. Then we’ll move in for the kill."
Of course Adams is referring to the decision handed down by the U. S. Supreme Court earlier this week in which it ruled that the University of California - Hastings College of Law did not violate the First Amendment rights of the Christian Legal Society (CLS) when it denied the group official recognition. That denial was on the basis of the group’s requirement that its voting members and leaders sign a "Statement of Faith" expressing belief in CLS' particular religious worldview. 
Now, one might question whether or not Adams is being satirical. I personally don't believe so. Just as stated in my opening paragraph thanking the citizen-journalists mentioned for their watchful and vigilant oversight of the Perkins & Porno Petes' of the Christiban far right, this clown too bears watching owing to the exact same reasons.
Its just too bad that the American public has to endure this garbage, worse, that any decent human being needs to be exposed to it.


Trab said...

I am being naive if I comment that this attack strategy might be a two way street? Couldn't the godless heathens do the same thing to Christiban groups? For that matter, couldn't all the other religious groups just start infiltrating each other? Wouldn't the cross gene 'pollution' then turn them all into the mongrels they are, just like when you cross breed several generations of pure bred dogs, and you end up with the 'generic mutt'?