By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) July 20 | In an article published this morning at ABCNews.com regarding rising frictions in the United States over the illegal immigration battles touched off by the recent passage of Arizona's so-called 'Papers Please' law, Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minutemen Project, which calls itself an immigration law enforcement advocacy group, said that neither he nor his supporters condone violence, but that they do encourage "peaceful rebellion," had this to say:
"I think there's a lot of resentment coming from the white population," Gilchrist said. "It goes to heritage. The resounding cry I hear is that we are tired of being treated like second-rate citizens in our own country," he said.
That sentiment, while expressly aimed at the on-going immigration issue has also been vetted in not so subtle ways by the Tea Party types discussing President Obama's policies on healthcare, economic concerns, and LGBT rights. Somewhat altered in form admittedly, still, the essence of intolerance is present for all to see & hear.
Whether its regarding Transgendered persons being discriminated against in silly outbursts over bathrooms in Montana, or Gay & Lesbian marriage nationally, the far right and an increasingly vocal minority led by popular conservative broadcasters Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and the Ultra-Christian far right Christian media including Pat Robertson's CBN, there has been an increasingly open display of pure hatred leveled against LGBT Americans, persons of colour, and those who disagree with what this minority sees as 'their country.'
Saturday, I had idly read through an Associated Press article published at MSNBC covering the Gay Pride parade & protest in Warsaw, Poland, where "thousands of gays and lesbians from around Europe marched through Poland's capital to demand equal rights and more tolerance in this heavily Roman Catholic nation."
I always like to read through the comments, which, out of the 700 plus, seemed to favour LGBT equality save for a predictable and sadly larger number that expressed hate such as this:
"It is an irrefutable fact, of course, that a homosexual "lifestyle" is extremely unhealthy. As one of hundreds of possible ways in which homosexuals' health compares poorly with that of their heterosexual counterparts, we can look at a June 2010 Fact Sheet from CDC, which states that a homosexual man is 44 times more likely to be infected with HIV than is a heterosexual man; not 44% more likely (which would be a huge difference), but 4400% MORE LIKELY (an ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDING difference!)A casual observation of the fates of the ancient Greek and Roman empires has revealed to Christians, Jews and Muslims what we can expect to happen to America if we tolerate the homosexual "lifestyle" in this country. Most religious people do not dislike homosexuals personally, and we are under orders NOT to hate them. Most religious people in America strongly support homosexuals' right to live their lives any way they want, as long as they do NOT attempt to "normalize" homosexuality in the eyes of our children, especially through television and our schools. THAT IS THE LINE THAT MUST NOT BE CROSSED. Homosexuals are free to do what they want in the privacy of their homes, but they must NOT be allowed to throw their "lifestyle" in our faces. Homosexuals must NOT try to inculcate our children with the misconception that a homosexual "lifestyle" is harmless, or worthy of being accepted as a wholesome alternative to a normal heterosexual lifestyle. We will NOT tolerate having our children brainwashed into believing that homosexuality should be met with acceptance, tolerance and inclusion.For those of you who may have forgotten how ancient Greece and Rome deteriorated after good Greek and Roman people accepted, tolerated and included the perverted desires of homosexuals, the recent words of a confessed homosexual can be seen in the next paragraph. Please note that this man is expressing nostalgia for the 'good old days' when homosexuals had more 'human rights' and 'civil rights', which enabled them to routinely sodomize 12-year-old boys - until those pesky followers of Christ came along and "started giving homosexuals a bad time":In ancient Greece and Rome nearly every man was gay and had a gay lover (usually a 12 to 15 year old boy). When the boy was old enough to shave, he was dumped by the older man, for another 12 to 15 year old boy. Then the kid who is just starting to shave took a younger lover. These men were married to women, but women were just for procreation, to keep the species alive. This went on for hundreds of years.The religious way of life honored by the vast majority of Americans, which celebrates marriage as a union of one man and one woman, is under attack by anti-Christian organizations such as NAMBLA, LAMBDA and GLAAD. These organizations seek to expand the definition of MARRIAGE to include two men, two women, and, in the case of NAMBLA, a man and a child. These homosexual "lifestyles" are NOT acceptable to Christians, Jews and Muslims. Any attempt to inculcate our children with these abnormal "lifestyles" will be met with resistance and anger, rather than acceptance, tolerance and inclusion."
I could cite several more but that would be beating the proverbial dead-horse as it were. The interesting thing is that the majority of these folk play hard & fast with the truth and the facts and are so vocal that they drown out rational discourse.
A friend pointed out that on the web, hiding behind screen-names & handles & avatars, they feel safe to express their 'true' feelings. Granted I told him, however, after seeing the naked hate and open hostility expressed towards respected members of the U. S. Congress including use of the epithet 'nigger,' last spring during the healthcare reform debate here in Washington, I think that reasoning no longer holds true.
They are radical, they are upset, and they are mostly white, middle or upper class, and all label themselves Christian. They all claim that America is a 'Christian nation,' and that was how it was founded as its forefathers were Christian. They want their country back?
Let me see, first off, the truth is that there was a concerted effort over several decades to eradicate the native aboriginal first nations by the forefathers of these 'Americans.'
Next of course let us not forget a bloody civil war that was initiated over a strong disagreement and misinterpretation of the founders vision for state rights v. federal spurned on by the pesky issue known as slavery.
Of course then there was the civil rights movement, women's rights, the list goes on. My point being that the truth is that the narrow mindedness of the American population's conservatives Are there a growing segment of the American populace that really are that hateful? The polarisation of the American political landscape seems to be increasing daily and intolerance is often led by those, at least opposed for example to LGBT Equality by statements such as this:
Perversion Activists seem to actually believe that the reason why the majority of American citizens disagree with their demands for preferential treatment for everybody that embraces their perversion is because they are afraid of them.
Perversion Activists have even redefined a word coined in 1969 in an effort to gain the upper hand on the opposition because they could not come up with a word of their own to justify their lifstyle choice.
The word homophobia first appeared in print in an article written for the May 23, 1969, edition of the American tabloid Screw, in which the word was used to refer to heterosexual men's fear that others might think they are gay.So a homophobe is a male who fears being accused of being a pervert. You folks might as well call the loyal opposition "goony gaga's"; because that made up word makes as much sense as the other made up word you like to use.
Displays of intolerance such as those referenced, begs the question, has American politics just gotten so far away from civil discourse as to be insurmountable? One has to wonder.
I can't help but think back to an article I read many decades ago, purporting to report on a study that indicated that too many rats in a confined space caused all of them to become nearly mad. They would bite and snap at each other with seemingly no provocation at all.
Is America becoming too populated for its own good, or is the reporting of news such that it feels too populated, with all the angst from everyone being heaped on each of us not just daily, but hourly, and for those twitter types, minute by minute. Are we driving ourselves mad, and snapping at anything remotely irritating?
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