Thursday, July 8, 2010

Brody's Notes... Servicemembers Legal Defense Network: “At this time SLDN Cannot Recommend That DOD LGBT Service Members Participate In Any Survey”

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) July 8 | In a statement released earlier today, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network spokesman Trevor Thomas said:
"Late last week, SLDN asked the Department of Defense and the Pentagon Working Group for the text of the surveys, more information on possible certificates of confidentiality, and whether DOD or PWG could guarantee immunity from DADT and other armed services rules and regulations for service members who are inadvertently "outed" by the surveys. The Department of Defense was unable to satisfy our request."
Thomas also released this quote from Servicemembers Legal Defense Network Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis, who said;
"A number of service members have contacted SLDN to seek guidance on surveys concerning the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell -- the discriminatory law barring gay and lesbian service members from serving with integrity. At this time SLDN cannot recommend that lesbian, gay, or bisexual service members participate in any survey being administered by the Department of Defense, the Pentagon Working Group, or any third-party contractors. While the surveys are apparently designed to protect the individual’s privacy, there is no guarantee of privacy and DOD has not agreed to provide immunity to service members whose privacy may be inadvertently violated or who inadvertently outs himself or herself. If a service member still wishes to participate, he or she should only do so in a manner that does not reveal sexual orientation."
In a related interview with The Denver Post June 9th, 2010, Cynthia Smith, a Pentagon spokesperson, said: 
"The law is still in effect, and if someone were to out themselves, we would have to begin the discharge process."