Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brody's Notes... Bil Browning: Love Requires Expensive Lawyers

Bil Browning is the Executive Editor of the hugely successful & widely read Indianapolis, Indiana based LGBT website, The Bilerico Project. Earlier this week when the National Organization for Marriage's summer bus tour rolled into Indianapolis, Bil interviewed NOM's former president Maggie Gallagher.

By Bil Browning (Indianapolis, Indiana) July 29 |  When the National Organization for Marriage's summer bus tour rolled into Indianapolis, I grabbed the chance to chat one-on-one with Maggie Gallagher, NOM's President. After all, I'd already sat down with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, and Ryan McCann, Director of Public Policy for the Indiana Family Institute, and I often go head to head on local media. When I realized I could interview both Ryan and Maggie, I knew I had a winning combo.
Ryan and I have a running bet for when we disagree. The losing person has to go on a date to an event of the winner's choosing. I took Ryan to the movies. He took me to an ex-gay conference. He's such a romantic.
Watch as Maggie and Ryan preach about love and truth at a rally for a group that's faced numerous electoral finance complaints and featured a sign saying that the "solution" to same-sex marriage is to lynch gay couples. But when questioned about those pesky legal troubles, they start squirming and I end up with another date.
This will be our third date and you know what that means! Will I have to take one for the team?