Bear Design By Meryl Streep (2009)
By Thomas B. Howard, Jr. (Denver, Colorado) July 28 | The Matthew Shepard Foundation was founded by Judy and Dennis Shepard in memory of their 21-year old son, Matthew, who was murdered in an anti-gay hate crime in Wyoming in October 1998. Created to honor Matthew in a manner that was appropriate to his dreams, beliefs and aspirations, the Foundation seeks to “Replace Hate with Understanding, Compassion & Acceptance” through its varied educational programs and by continuing to tell Matthew’s story.In February of 2002, a dedicated group of volunteers put together an idea for a silent auction of teddy bears that would benefit the Foundation. Many local Denver notables designed and dressed teddy bears and held a silent auction that raised just over $5,000 for the Matthew Shepard Foundation. Eight years later, "Bear to Make a Difference" has become the largest annual fundraising event for the organization and has developed a national reputation, featuring celebrity teddy bears from all avenues of entertainment. Last year’s gala raised over $100,000 to support the work of the Foundation. This year’s "Bear to Make a Difference" gala and teddy-bear auction will be held on October 16, 2010.
The Foundation is looking for a few designers who are interested in creating a teddy bear for the event. Every year celebrities agree to sign bears designed in their image to be auctioned off to support the work of the Foundation. Last year’s participants included Celine Dion, Katie Perry, Meryl Streep, Barbra Streisand and Nicole Kidman.
We will provide the teddy bear and you dress it. Bears need to be completed by mid-August 2010.
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