By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) June 29 | Judith Gillespie, Deputy Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland, told the BBC that the two men assaulted in the Foyle area of Londonderry over the weekend were targeted because they are gay. According to Inspector Tony Callaghan of the PSNI;
"I believe there are low-level hate incidents that happen on a day and daily basis. Whether it's race based, religion based, sectarian, homophobic or relating to disabilities. People out there are suffering in silence."
A spokesperson for The Lesbian & Gay Foundation's Enough is Enough! Action Against Homophobia campaign said:
"The incident in Londonderry at the weekend sadly highlights once again that homophobia is still a daily reality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people. These two men were simply enjoying a night out, and were then violently singled out because of their sexuality."
The men - who are 22 and 38 years of age - were attacked and beaten by three men in the city centre at 2am on Saturday morning. They were left with cuts and bruises to their faces. One of the men - who wishes to remain anonymous said after the attack:
"I'm terrified of going to bed, I'm terrified walking down the street...I've got to walk my fella to his work because he's terrified...It's just absolutely soul destroying and it's not on."
The L&GF spokesman also noted:
""The victims in this assault are understandably shaken, highlighting the short and long term effects that hate crime can have on peoples' confidence and mental well-being. No-one should have to live in fear of walking down the street simply because of who they are and who they love. Enough is Enough!"
The Member of Parliament representing Foyle, Mark Durkan, released a statement calling the attack "sickening." In an interview with the BBC, MP Durkan went on to say;
"Regardless of whether it expresses itself in the sort of wanton attack on this Gay couple or in the subtle prejudice we see all too often, homophobia is inexcusable. As a community we need to show our solidarity with those who suffer this awful prejudice. And we need to show those who attack them that it is they who are in the tiny minority in this society."
David McCartney from the Irish Gay support group Rainbow Project (who work to improve the physical, mental & emotional health of gay, bisexual & non-heterosexual men in Northern Ireland) told the BBC the impact of a hate attack was "quite extraordinary."
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