Christine Kennard, a UK based Seniors Healthcare Expert and Alzheimer's advocate, has many years of experience in private and public sector nursing care homes for people with dementia, is experienced as an internet writer for major internet healthcare companies – always specializing in on topic of Alzheimer's disease. Kennard says that guessing the actual numbers of seniors affected is difficult:
Discrimination and prejudice suffered by many LGBT people with Alzheimer's disease means that a true estimate of the numbers affected is difficult to judge. Many LGBT people are reluctant to identify their sexuality and access local services because of the discrimination they have suffered, or fear they may suffer. In the USA the 2000 census Bureau reported 1,188,782 Americans in same-sex domestic partnerships. Although the data does not give the parties' sexual orientation, the report states it is, "reasonable to assume that many, although not all, of these same-sex households exist because the parties are gay, lesbian, or bisexual (GLB)". In the UK, for example, between 35,000 and 70,000 lesbian, gay and bisexual people care for a person with dementia. This is based a belief that between 5 and 10 per cent of the population is thought to be homosexual and 750,000 people in the UK have dementia.This translates to significant numbers of LGBT people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers whose needs may not being fully recognized or met.What services do exist for Alzheimer's LGBT people vary on the area in which they live. Most big cities have significant numbers of LGBT people who are active in local community politics, or social and medical services, and who often provide specialist voluntary services and advocate on behalf of their members. However, in other towns and in rural communities, there are many people who are isolated by their sexuality.
When asked about the number of central issues for Alzheimer's, heath care and LGBT folks she stated:
Because Alzheimer's disease affects mostly older people, (age being one of the biggest risk factors for Alzheimer's disease), there are many LGBT people largely hidden from view within care arrangements. However, the ‘babyboomer' generation arguably offers a more open and liberal perspective and for whom sexual issues are less of a barrier to caregiving services. Health and social services increasingly have to consider how they will react to these needs.The older generation are more likely to have spent a lifetime passing as heterosexual so it can be emotionally upsetting for the person with Alzheimer's, their partner and relatives, to disclose previously secret information. LGBT people find that they have to give information but then they worry how it will be used.
Commonly asked questions include: Will disclosure influence issues such as meeting the medical and nursing needs of a loved one? How will it affect future care planning or staff attitudes? Kennard says:
Like everyone, a great concern for LGBT people is to get the best possible care for a loved one. Health care decision making involves legal, social and practical issues. An example is residential health care provision. Residential care settings can vary in their understanding and preparedness for dealing with the needs of lesbians and gays with Alzheimer's disease. Care staff are not immune to prejudice, myth, and lack of education of some health conditions that are of importance to the LGBT community.
The legal position of same sex partners can vary from State to State and country to country. In some, the law recognizes same sex couples and they have equal rights as heterosexual couples. This is not always the case. The Family Caregiver Alliance will give you more information about this complex area of legal rights, protection and entitlements. They can provide legal information on issues such as incapacity, estate and will planning, care provision for a minor who has not been adopted.
Kennard works closely with the Alzheimer's Society in the UK and is qualified in group analytic psychotherapy, is registered in general and mental health nursing and has a Masters degree. Over the past few years Chris has taught in University and Charitable settings and worked as a training manager for a major charitable organization.
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