By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Mar 30 | The Harris poll released last Wednesday, March 24th, found that a majority of Republican respondents believe that President Obama "is a socialist," "wants to take away Americans' right to own guns," "is a Muslim," "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one world government," and "has done many things that are unconstitutional." The findings follow a year of such smears and attacks on Obama by conservatives.
According to the poll, conducted of 2,320 adults between March 1 and March 8, a majority of Republicans believe Obama is a socialist (67 percent), wants to take away Americans' right to own guns (61 percent), is Muslim (57 percent), wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government (51 percent), and that he has done many things that are unconstitutional (51 percent). Large minorities also believe Obama was not born in the United States and is therefore ineligible for the presidency (45 percent), is a racist (42 percent), and is doing many things Adolf Hitler did (38 percent).
In the past two years, conservatives in the media have advanced many of these false claims, including that Obama is in fact a Muslim and not a Christian, wants to take away Americans' guns, and was not born in the United States. They have also advanced numerous smears that Obama is a socialist, a racist, and has policies and beliefs similar to Hitler's.
From my experience of the weekend prior to the poll's release during the protests by the so-called Tea-Partiers and fringe element of the Republican Party who shouted the racial epithet Nigger at two respected members of the U, S. House of Representatives, to yet another incident where Rep. Barney Frank was called a faggot while walking with his husband through the corridors of the Longworth House Office Building. Its not a huge stretch to see where these attitudes and morally corrupt behaviours are stemming from.
The LGBT movement and Gay Equality rights especially Gay Marriage has also suffered at the hands of these very commentators in the conservative media.
Media Matters, a Washington D. C. Media watchdog group, today released this video compilation of some of the more blatant smears & falsehoods foisted on the American public by these media outlets:
One American observed:
"This is just another example of how their rhetoric has poisoned our national discourse. We shouldn't have to waste our limited debate time debunking this nonsense, but we either have to refute it or let it stand unchallenged!!! And that's not right. Our nation deserves better. Our nation NEEDS better. We've never had such a toxic atmosphere until Grover Norquist, Lee Atwater, and Karl Rove teamed up."
Another railed against the 'poverty of the humanity of the right' and Republican opposition to efforts to pass major health care reform as well as socially just legislation by stating:
"Laws are being eroded and taken away step by step we are becoming poorer and sicker. go to the downtown's of any major city and you will see shanty towns,increasing homelessness,child poverty on the level of many third world countries. You will see people sleeping in their cars and showering at public parks before they go to work. That's right, living in their cars yet they are working. In-fact the fastest growing sector of homelessness and poverty are children and working people. I know ,I know personal responsibility,but that will not solve the structural problems in this economy or society that is making harder and harder for more and more people who are just surviving. Please note that I didn't just say black people I mean people of all colors but it's true today and historically that when America gets a cold black people get pneumonia and the economic facts support me."
Incivility now seems to be an American pastime, and if the ultra-right commentators and Tea Party types have their way, apparently America will once again only be for those that are lily white and pass the acid test of being a solid 'Christian' and Patriot. Oh, and definitely NOT an immigrant or LGBT it seems.
The fact that the Harris Poll showed these types of numbers & skewed thoughts is alarming, but given the sources...
Sitting here in the UK I never cease to be astounded at how many gullible folk there are in the USA. I'm not saying that we are any better, and I suspect it may be absolute numbers rather than "idiots per capita" ; even so the USA citizen's ability to believe the incredible is amazing.
But then there is also the conspiracy theory phenomenon as well, so I wonder why I am surprised.
The USA currently has the president it needs. In Bush, junior and senior, it had the presidents it deserved.
May Obama remain in control long enough to get the USA's global good reputation back.
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