Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brody's Scribbles...Because The Bible Tells Us So.... A Thought or Two

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Feb 25 | Like many of you out there, I suppose at one time or another as a child growing up you heard the phrase from your parents-"because the Bible tells us so..." or the Koran or Torah or a similar variant. Here's the thing though, if people were absolutely and 100% committed to being devout and following the 'holy' words faithfully, then this world would be filled with never-ending bloodshed. Hmm, actually, now that I think about it, it is isn't it?
In fact a great deal of the nastiness happening around the globe can be fairly laid at the doorsteps of the religious zealots and others who take what are supposedly good theologies and twisting them into malevolent, hate filled political ideologies.
The Christiban, the Taliban, in fact any extremist group will use those books & words to legitimise persecution of those persons that they despise. In the United States this has been well documented and used against the greater LGBT community.
They preach about "Hate The Sin-But Love The Sinner." Or in milder cases, I hear the, "oh well I have Gay friends so..." Either way you view it? Its hateful and hypocritical. Which brings me to the latest flap over the comments by 'Miss Beverly Hills' who it turns out fraudulently claimed that particular title as she is actually from Pasadena which is nearly 10 miles or more east of Beverly Hills. Last night, on Countdown With Keith Olbermann on MSNBC, Keith & Gay columnist and noted author Dan Savage eviscerated Ms. Beverly Hill's remarks: