Thursday, February 4, 2010

Brody's Scribbles.. Jim Burroway, Editor-In-Chief of Box Turtle Bulletin: Ugandan Ethics Minister To Obama: “Ouch!!! Stop That!”

By Jim Burroway (Executive Editor, Box Turtle Bulletin) Feb 4 | With unprecedented speed, Uganda’s Ethics and Integrity Minister James Nsaba Buturo quickly lashed out at President Barack Obama’s denunciation of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that is now before Uganda’s Parliament. President Obama called the bill “odious” earlier today during an address at the National Prayer Breakfast. Buturo very quickly shot back that Obama’s statement was “unacceptable” interference:
“Somebody should tell President Obama that the parliament is doing its legislative duty in the interest of the people of Uganda,” James Nsaba Buturo, Ugandan minister of ethics and integrity, told AFP.
…”Members of parliament have a constitutional duty to choose between what the people of Uganda want and what others want, and I am sure they will choose what the people of Uganda want,” he said.”
President Obama finished his remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast at 9:25 am, Washington, D.C. locak time. Kampala is eight hours ahead, which would be about 5:25 pm local time there. The AFP’s report came out “seven hours ago” as I write this, which would put this report at about ten-ish am Washington time, or six-ish pm Kampala time, perhaps 7:00 pm at the very latest. That’s not much time for Buturo to hear Obama’s remarks, react to it to a reporter, and have the reporter file his story with AFP. That kind of quick reaction is extremely rare, which can only mean one thing: Obama’s statement landed a solid blow. It may not be a fatal hit, but Uganda’s political leadership definitely felt it.


Lee Rowan said...

"Odious." I love having a Prez with a good vocabulary. Whap 'em again, Mr. President!

Another appropriate word would be "vile." And even that's pretty mild compared to what Uganda is proposing. Not that it's any different from US religious extremists, who are probably funneling money to bigots in Uganda.