Thursday, February 18, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... I Am Beyond Angry Over This Crap Already

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Feb 18 | It's difficult to express the depth of the fury and disgust I have regarding yet another ludicrous assault on the greater LGBT community by a fundamentalist Christian and right wing conservative columnist. The following video was run this morning on Joe Jervis's Joe.My.God website and also at The Box Turtle Bulletin.
On his webpage, Joe wrote: 
"World Net Daily columnist Molotov Mitchell says that Uganda has it right, the Bible clearly calls for homosexuals to put to death. If gay Ugandans don't like that, they can just leave. And that America's Founding Fathers had it right too, because was a death penalty for gays in the original colonies. Mitchell says that by being willing to kill homosexuals, Ugandans are now "more American that Americans" and he closes by quoting Martin Luther King: "The moral arm of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice."
He also pointed out that,
"Mitchell's ranting is yet another another example of the recent ramping up of violently anti-gay rhetoric from the Christianist right. The American Family Association thinks gays should all be imprisoned and forcibly subjected to "reparative therapy." The Family Research Council says that gays are inherent rapists who can't be trusted around soldiers. Mission America says that protecting gay kids from beatings in school is a fascist idea. And now a columnist from the most widely read Christian site in the nation is calling for us to be put to death."
There comes a point where it is more than tiresome dealing with these bigoted so-called Christians. The truth is that they are purely ignorant, emotionally crippled evil individuals that apparently hate other human beings over a subject that quite frankly is none of their damn business. This latest rant is another example of why it is so critical to have non-secular societies & especially governments. 
For the record, I despise the Christian right and I am repulsed by their hypocrisy-their hate that they weakly and pathetically attempt to mask in a charade of so-called Christian values. The truth is that they are no better than the Nazi's or any other repressive regime spewing nonsensical hateful propaganda. In two words? F#@k 'Em!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog and this is a great post!! Looking forward to more! These people are nothing but haters.