Friday, February 26, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... Dr. Oz On Transgendered Kids & Parents

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Feb 26 | There are times that I feel that as a card-carrying member of the acronym 'LGBT,' that a significance percentage of folk who make up that acronym either display a studied indifference to the 'T' as though Transgendered beings were only marginally a part of our so-called inclusive community, or there are displays of outright bigotry and bias. In all due honesty, either of these facts bothers me greatly.
When I was a young man, I knew I was different, I knew that I like boys and not just as companions, pals, buddies. I knew with absolute clarity that I needed, desired, and sought to have a male in my life on a very intimate basis. Of course, I am also from an era where LGBT rights and Equality were non-existent. Being homosexual in fact was a crime in some jurisdictions. But time's passage and the work and efforts of many, many outstanding human beings has slowly rendered a world and a society that today makes my dreams possible and makes me able to walk down the street as a proud Gay man.
Now, this cannot be said of the Transgendered community whose very existence has in fact been labeled as a 'disorder' by the medical community. The other factor in any discussion regarding Transgendered folk that must be considered is that the amount of prejudice, bias, outright hate that is cast upon Transgendered people-Transphobia, with a great deal coming from the Gay & Lesbian community.
I find this repulsive behaviours and I am also not very keen on the label 'disorder.' I think the word 'conflict' may fit better as Transgendered people have an internal conflict that often requires years to resolve and in some cases, sadly never will. 
Which brings me to this show recently broadcast that covers a small portion of the issue and addresses the hurdles faced by parents, children, and young adults as they struggle with being Transgendered. The show is hosted by noted cardiothoracic surgeon and author Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Oz. 
Dr. Oz is Professor of Cardiac Surgery at Columbia University. He previously directed the Heart Assist Device Program and is a founder of the Complementary Medicine Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. His research interests include heart replacement surgery, minimally invasive cardiac surgery, and healthcare policy. He has authored more than 400 original publications, book chapters, abstracts, and books and has received several patents. He also serves as a scientific advisor to MDLinx, a leading physician portal on the web.
Dr Oz  on discussing this subject quoted a noted Boston based women's health issues publication on his website:
"Gender-based discrimination is a serious human-rights problem that plagues the U.S society today. Violence, homelessness, police brutality, chronic underemployment, and poverty disproportionately affect transgender people. It is exceedingly difficult for trans people to access many services such as rape-crisis centers, emergency medical care, homeless shelters, group homes, and domestic violence shelters because these spaces are sex segregated. Trans people often avoid getting the needed medical care because of the discrimination and harassment they face in the health care system. Trans people of color and low-income trans people are also affected by racism and class discrimination. Transgender and transsexual people also sometimes face discrimination within the queer community. Transwomen are sometimes denied entrance to all-women's spaces because they are not perceived to be "real" women, and transwomen who have intimate relationships with women are sometimes not welcomed into lesbian spaces. Those of us who are heterosexual can use our privileged status to challenge heterosexist laws and practices. Those of us who do not identify as transgender can fight for education on trans issues, safe and inclusive facilities and programs for trans people, and a greater understanding of gender outside of a binary system. For those of us who are queer or trans, it's important to fight discrimination, work for equal rights, take care of ourselves, stay healthy and safe, and find communities that accept and support us."
I strongly urge you to watch both of the segments of this show and I advocate that you educate yourself more on this vital issue that affects many fine humans on this globe and if we, as the LGBT community are truly going to act inclusive, we damn well need to embrace the transgendered folk with total commitment and care. For more information please visit TransMentors International's website here: [ Link


Anonymous said...

This is disgusting.