By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Dec 16 | As expected yesterday, the D. C. City council passed the second of two votes on Councilman David Catania's measure, legalising LGBT Marriage Equality and has sent it to D. C. Mayor Adrian Fenty for signature at which time it heads to Capitol Hill for a mandatory 30 day congressional review. The vote wasn't even an hour old when a freshmen Congressman from Utah, who serves on the House Select Sub-Committee on the District, jumped into the fray.
Representative Jason Chaffetz (R) Utah Photo By The Associated Press

"If it were put up for a vote, traditional marriage would win," he said. It would win with a congressional vote, and it would win with the residents of Washington, D.C."Here's what I found fascinating, that the readership of that paper, or at least the ones that commented on that article by Ms. Winters, overwhelmingly disapproved of the congressman's statements. The majority sentiment basically boiled down to a; "Dear Jason, Hello? Butt Out of D.C.'s business buddy, you weren't elected to represent the District, you are supposed to represent Utah!" [Read Comments Here]
Now, for an overwhelmingly Mormon majority & Republican Party stronghold, these comments are telling as it illustrates that folks in general are tiring of politicians sticking their noses into other folks bedrooms. I love it!
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