By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Dec 18 | A couple of days ago intrepid local WASHINGTON CITY PAPER correspondent Amanda Hess filed this story that just made me shake my head in absolute disgust. Its so ludicrous and silly yet it honestly shows the mentality of the Ultra-Right Conservative movement in the United States. Of course the irony of this or maybe it happened coincidentally, is that this person filed the complaint the very same day that the District's City Council voted final approval for the Marriage Equality law. Go figure eh?
Parent Files Complaint Against Gay Teacher Over “Child’s Sense of Innocence”
By Amanda Hess (Washington DC) Dec 15 | Margaret C. Hemenway, identifying herself as a D.C. Public Schools parent, claims to have filed a complaint with DC Superintendent of Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee over her seven-year-old child’s “sense of innocence.” At what exact moment was the first-grader’s innocence whisked away from her, never to be returned? The moment little Hemenway’s teacher at Tenleytown’s Horace Mann Elementary allegedly announced to her first-grade class that she was planning to marry a woman. Think. Of. The. Children. Hemenway recounts the horror for Parents and Friends Of Ex-gays (PFOX):
Our first-grader astonished her father at the end of the past school year as he dropped her off at our local Washington DC public school, Horace Mann Elementary, where he had attended school in the early 60s. She relayed to him that her teacher announced her impending marriage—to another woman—to the class. Following her revelation, this teacher encouraged questions from the children.Our daughter also mentioned a book the teacher read aloud, “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding,” about two male “gay” guinea pigs, promoted by the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender Lobby for children. Since homosexual activists cannot reproduce their own children, recruitment to their cause (especially at a young age, before parents have raised such sensitive and controversial topics with their children) is essential to the political agenda of promoting homosexuality and “gay” marriage.
Nowadays, most parents are resigned to the fact that a gay guinea pig will inevitably steal their daughter’s sense of innocence, and there’s nothing they can do about it. Not Hemenway. Hemenway began the slow bureaucratic process of getting innocence restored:
Most parents would not consider a Q&A session with first-graders about homosexual marriage as an “age-appropriate” discussion. After our daughter’s revelation, we lodged a complaint with Chancellor Rhee’s office, requesting an investigation, and asking what department in the DC Government we can appeal to for restoration of our child’s sense of innocence? We are still awaiting feedback from the school on whether there is a Teacher’s “Code of Conduct” and what D.C. policy is on “age appropriate” sexuality education.
By the way, when does “sexuality education” finally become “age appropriate” for D.C. schoolkids? According to Hemenway, “There are sound reasons that sexuality topics are not generally introduced in school until fifth grade, at an age when some children begin to ask how babies are made.”
My wife teaches 5 and 6 year olds in the UK state system. Instead of handling sexuality per se she teaches the children in her care how wonderful it is that we are all different. She doesn't believe that sexuality of any sort should arise in that age group's teaching. She also believes in fairy tales where the princess leaves with the prince. This is normality for the majority of the population.
However, if a child asks about Elton John and his wedding to a nice gentlemen she deals with it happily and with confidence. If a child comes in with a book where the prince marries the prince, she deals with it happily and with confidence. And she explains that some boys love girls, some girls love boys, and some girls love girls and some boys love boys, and that is one of the things we should all celebrate.
Children need to learn and understand how to recognise and appreciate differences in a positive manner, not to be afraid of them or to disparage them. What matters is the quality of the teaching and of the teaching aids used.
A couple of years ago she had a boy in her class who probably has gender dysphoria. He, perhaps she, is just a kid, and the others treated him as such, even when he came to school wearing feminine clothes. Fred (not his name) was respected for his differences, for his love of pink unicorns, and for his joy in drawing and telling tales about fairies.
This is the type of environment we want our children to be taught in, not an oppressive one. We want them taught that bigotry and hatred is bad, and that respect for all mankind is good.
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