Thursday, December 10, 2009

Brody's Notes... McDonald's Fires Manager As TLDEF Files Employment Discrimination Complaint In Orlando, Florida

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Dec 10 | According to a spokeswoman for McDonald's Corporation headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, the manager responsible for leaving a vulgar anti-gay voicemail, to a transgendered applicant for a position at one of the company's largest stores in Orlando, Florida, has been terminated.
She said that the employee “acted outside the scope of his authority and was not responsible,” adding “[McDonald’s] has a zero tolerance policy prohibiting discrimination or harassment in the restaurant.”
In the July 28th, 2009 voicemail, the manager is heard telling 17 year old Zikerria Bellamy that the store "doesn't hire faggots." Although he has been terminated as a result of the derogatory statements made in the recording, the spokeswoman would not comment on the fate of the second manager involved in the incident.

The Transgender Legal Defence & Education Fund on Monday, December 7th, filed a Complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations against an Orlando McDonald's corporate restaurant for refusing to hire 17-year-old Zikerria Bellamy because she is transgender.

On July 10, 2009, Zikerria applied online for a position as a Shift Manager or Crew Leader at McDonald's.  On July 28, after managers at McDonald’s learned that Zikerria is transgender she received the above voicemail.  Zikerria never received the job interview she sought.  McDonald's refused to hire her.

McDonald's Restaurant- Orlando, Florida  Photo By The Orlando Sentinel 


Jen Robertson said...

Thank you for writing about this. Few people realize how difficult it is for the transgender population to obtain and maintain employment. As the mom of a transgender child, I hope to raise awareness so that society can open its heart and mind.


Anonymous said...

What concerns me more is the failure of some company to reap some positive PR by offering her a position, or at least an interview after the negative publicity surrounding this incident.