Thursday, October 29, 2009

Brody's Notes... Georgetown University Student Attacked For Wearing A T-Shirt Supportive of LGBT Rights

By Brody Levesque (Washington DC) Oct 29 | Less than twenty four hours before President Barack Obama signed the Matthew Shepard Act into law, a young female student from Georgetown University, here in Washington, was attacked by two men near the campus entrance on Canal Road in Upper Northwest Tuesday evening.
From ABCNews affiliate WJLA-TV ABC7News comes this report:

According to ABC7News correspondent Jennifer Donelan, A Georgetown student says she was attacked because of the t-shirt she was wearing. Police say she was targeted because of the her perceived sexual orientation.
A campus wide safety alert was sent out after the attack. On student organization is holding a meeting Thursday night to talk about the incident while many other students are planning to show a display of action Friday.More than 150 students are planning to wear a t-shirts with logos in support of gay rights after the student was attacked by two men for wearing a similar shirt.

"I just think that it’s shocking that at a campus that has this liberal and open tradition that something like this would happen" said Georgetown student Kate Kaufmann.
Police say it happened Tuesday night near the school’s entrance on Canal Road. The female student says two men started insulting her with derogatory comments based on her perceived sexual orientation. Then, officers say, the men took her book bag, pushed her to the ground, and then struck her with the bag.

"I’ve had people say things to me, but I’ve never actually had anyone physically assault me," said sophomore Amelia Di Steffano, a member of the school’s pride organization that is planning the display. That translates into a crime, that shows what kind of tensions there still are," added Steffano.
Metropolitan D.C. Police say the student was not seriously injured in the attack and the two suspects got away.
"It’s just horrible that that kind of hate could be used to attack an innocent woman right here in Georgetown," said Georgetown resident Merrick Murdock.
Metropolitan police say they are forging ahead with their investigation. The gay and lesbian unit will also be brought in to help with the investigation.
There is no evidence at this time that the suspects are students.


Elizabeth said...

People are such idiots (except you and me, of course).