Sunday, September 27, 2009

Brody's Scribbles... If you drive thru Memphis, Tennessee, look for this billboard

By Brody Levesque (Bethesda, Maryland) Sept 27 | As National Coming Out Day approaches on October 11th, 2009, the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center leased billboards in the greater Memphis metropolitan area to promote and raise awareness, increase the visibility of the Memphis LGBT community, and promote the stories of its members.
In a press release, MGLCC stated:
"We encourage people to take control over their own lives and their own stories. Each of us is best able to speak our own truth. Being fearful has robbed us of that power to control what is ours. We will stand together without fear or shame and say 'I am gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender.' It is our right to be honest and open."

MGLCC has identified several specific functions that the billboards will serve:
  • to let Memphis know that the MGLCC exists
  • to show the greater Memphis community that LGBT people are an integral part of the local network of schools, businesses, churches, and families
  • to encourage other LGBT people to come out whenever possible
  • to show that it's not a shameful thing to be honest about who you are