Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brighton Pride 2009

Photo by Tim Trent, 2009, Brighton, UK

"I wanted to walk behind the carnival procession, with the ordinary folk, just as me, Tim."

That does sound a bit ordinary doesn't it? Well for one kind soul whose entire life until fairly recently has been battling the "dual" nature of his character and being, that simple statement was hugely significant. Some folk would say that he experienced finally his "coming out" moment. For myself, I would say that he's simply been rebirthed into the complete man he was always intended to be.
I'd also point out that for those who critique Pride as irrelevant, dismissing it as just another commercial venture to profit from, there are still those LGBT individuals like Tim, who experience a deeply emotional moment that is akin to a healing of sorts.
However, it is not my place for me to editorialize or comment; Here is Tim in his own words: