Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Brody's Scribbles... The US Elections Bring The Taliban Christians Out From Under Their Stones

By Tim Trent (Dartmouth, England) OCT 26 | Even from England I can see that the US election season has turned very nasty indeed. We're usually immune to it over here. We have no real idea what mid term elections are, and we pretty much don't care. Though, since the USA's politics affects us here, I wonder why I don't get a vote. Usually I stay well away, keep my opinions to myself and smile benignly at a nation going through a pretty rough puberty.
This year, though, probably for the first time, the Taliban Christians are mounting evil, awful, vile and vituperative campaigns that strike hard and personally. Their main target is Obama, obviously. So I wasn't surprised, not exactly, to read an article entitled 'Obama appoints record number of gay officials'. Of itself it's a pretty balanced article. It says things like:
White House spokesman Shin Inouye confirmed the record number, saying Obama has hired more gay officials than the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations combined. He said Obama "is proud that his appointments reflect the diversity of the American public."
In a sign of how times have changed, few of the appointees — about two dozen required Senate confirmation — have stirred much controversy. It's a far cry from the 1993 furor surrounding Clinton's nomination of then-San Francisco Supervisor Roberta Achtenberg as assistant secretary for Housing and Urban Development.
It presents the face of reason. But there is a political point to it, and that point is the timing. Instead of highlighting the presumed fact that each appointment was made on merit, something one hopes to be true, it also states:
"From everything we hear from inside the administration, they wanted this to be part of their efforts at diversity," said Denis Dison, spokesman for the Presidential Appointments Project of the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute.

If that is so then the whole thing is a sham, a charade, a tissue of lies. And Dison was a total fool for saying it, too.
Let me tell you why:
As a gay man I do not want to be positively discriminated for. I do not want your job of I only got it because I'm part of some Queer Quota. I want your job because I fit in with your objectives, with your team and am the best candidate for it.
It's the same as not wanting to be discriminated against because I'm white, or because I'm Hispanic. If you do that then I find you to be disgusting.
But that doesn't show the depth of my disgust. Oh no. Far from it.

You see, I went on to read the comments made by some of the brave and true US citizens and others at the end of the article.
[ You can embiggen it by clicking it. It opens in a new tab. ]
I just grabbed a sample, didn't care much what it said. But I can tell you that it does not sit well with any civilised human being. What saddens me is that this bigotry, something that most people would be ashamed of, seems to be actively encouraged as freedom of speech.
Is it any wonder that school kids in the USA can see no future for themselves and succumb to bullycide?
What happened to the meritocracy that the USA is meant to be? Where did the ideals of those who founded the country go? And why is the USA looking like tinpot little nations like Uganda who just published in the news a list of their 100 gay targets and encouraged the nation to lynch them? That is all part of the U.S. Taliban Christians' influence, too